A Summer Like No Other Ch 4

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Alright here is Chapter 4. but before I start to write, im warning ally of you readers that I will NOT post more until I have atleast 10votes this time, so make sure to vote when you are done reading. Its really easy just click the button that says VOTE over there.---------------------->>>>

When you are done voting I love hearing feedback and if you give me ideas for the story I might use them:). In one of the upcoming chapters you are going to meet Spencers little sister who needs a name. If you have any ideas please comment and tell me them below. I'm thinkg another S would be cute but IDK. thanks for all your imput and on woth Chapter 4!


Chapter 4

Nicoles POV:

Spencer and I were siting on top of the large lifeguard chair talking a little bit while watching the swimmers in the ocean. There wasn't much of a current today so I wasn't very worried about the swimmers today but we still kept watch just in case. We had just got back from lunch at the Seacrest and Kelsey had jumped to conclusions about Spencer and I. I'm going to have to tell her the story later but for now I have some time to get to know Spencer a little bit better.

"Since I'm going on a date with you, I think it would be good if we got to know eachother a little bit better." I said.

"Well, I am 16 like you, and my name is Spencer."

"Okay well we now know you like to joke around, but seriously what are you like when you aren't getting paid to watch other people swim and sit in the hot sun?"

"Alright. Um I played football at my old school and in the spring I play baseball and lacross. Um I'm acctually kind of a nerd when it comes to grades and I like to watch movies or go boating in my spare time. Is that enough? Its hard to think about me. I just kind of do whatever I feel like for the day. I'm boring. How about you?"

I was surprised that he found himself boring because I found this stuff interesting. I had always liked lacross and baseball. And what American doesn't like football?(lol) And who cares if hes a nerd because hes also a jock and if he is a nerd then he could be a good study partner. But I decided to answer his question.

"Um I am an only child, I live with my Dad and stepmom Nancy, but I don't really know anything about my real mom so Nancy is basically my mom. They both work at the Seacrest and you kinda met my Dad this afternoon. I've lived here on Cape Cod as long as I can remember. I like to play soccer and run track in my spare time. I am kind of a nerd too since I've been on the honor roll my whole life. I have tried to do art stuff like painting before but I'm not very good so I have given up on the becoming an artist dream. Oh yeah and I am a huge dog lover! I have a little cockapoo at home that we named Buddy. And there is alot more about me but I hate talking about my life because I live it and find it boring."

{{{{A picture of her dog Buddy is my profile picture:)}}}}

"Well I think your very interesting." Spencer said.

I laughed at this. I think I am a plain person because as much as I love adventure and stuff I've lived here my whole life and I haven't done much that could be called an accomplishment. But oh well we can let Spencer think I'm interesting for now. Just as I was about to ask Spencer about his family I heard a scream! It had come from one of the moms down on the beach.


"I'm going in!"Spencer exclaimed. "Run to the clubhouse and get the first aid stuff, then try to calm the mother down. By then I should be back with the boy!"

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