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"out of all places, why did you choose somewhere near our school??" hani nag while pulling the chair to sit. "i'm allergic to school. don't you know it?"

"shut it. just thank me later," areum smirked and call someone to order foods. while they're ordering things, hani's eyes wander around the restaurant and found someone way too familiar at the counter. wait. oh, is that nerd?? she widened her eyes.

"hey namjoon!" she waves her hand to him. namjoon who's counting the money freezes for a second and look around. his eyes stopped at a girl with fuzzy purple beanie near the window, who's smiling at him.

have i gone crazy? why did i see her everywhere now? he slaps himself and focusing on doing his work.

hani on the other side frowned when namjoon ignored her. "what's wrong with him? why did he ignore me?"

"are you from the same school as my son, young lady?" the lady who took their orders earlier asked.

"huh? your son?" hani look at the lady in front of her. "you mean─ namjoon? that ner─"

before she manage to say that nerd word, areum kick her feet under the table to stop her. "yes! we are from the same school."

"i've never seen his friends come here to eat here, you girls the first ones." mrs kim smiles to them. "wait here for awhile, okay? i'll tell namjoon to bring your foods."

"yes, thank you aunty." both of them bowed. hani covered her mouth. "i just got goosebumps. how did you know this is his family's restaurant?"

"i saw him outside earlier while i'm searching places to eat. since you and him got something going on, i texted you to come." areum wiggle her brows.

"but look how i look─ look at this shabby shirts. i look homeless and disgusting." hani look at herself.

gosh pretty girls─ areum roll her eyes. "you don't know it yet, but its a full set of ideal daughter in law right there. right now, you looks like you're taking a short break from a crazy study session but still look cute. that depressed yellow shirt, an unmatched fuzzy beanie. that's just right, you look smart even though in fact you don't. now that's what korean mother want─ a cute hardworking girl for their son."

"but i feel personally offended. did you just called me dumb?"

"that's not the point. you like him, right?"

"what are you talking about─" hani played with her ear. seeing areum's 200% done's face, she coughed. "uhmm well, a little bit?"

"then make his mom like you first. my mom says, men can't do anything to girls who treated their mom right."

"really??" hani think about it thoroughly. "but why do you suddenly want to help me? i don't want to sound mean but i don't completely trust you yet. i just know you for a week."

"ouch." areum clenched her chest. "am i insane to mess with you after you beat that guy today?"

"right.. unless you're a crazy whore."

"besides, you're the only person who's normal in that school. why not? i don't want my youth to be surrounded by idiots." areum shrugged. "so what you say? do you want him?"

"to die for."

"cool. now lets wait."

"namjoon, your friends are here." mrs kim come with a food tray. "take this to them. table number eight."

i barely have friends.. which one? namjoon look at that table and found hani and areum were there. oh i didn't see things. she was really there. she look cu─ kim namjoon your mom is here, stop.

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