Chapter 6

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Forth froze on his spot when he sees Beam walk towards their table with tray full of their order in his hands. Beam looks slightly different from the last, he seems lost his weight. He used to have plump body, but now Beam is thinner than Ming. Is he really doing well?

"Guess what? I'm getting off early tonight, you didn't need to wait till my shift off," Forth caught Beam's grinning widely when announce this. Seems like his personality doesn't change at all, he's still being the cheeky Beam. So he's working here, i'll ask Ming when his shift schedule.

Forth observe the rest quietly, he found that Kit and Beam still have the old bickering over nothing habit. Tonight they have an argue about Kit's craving of Bibimbap which leads Ming to stop them and comfort Kit by promising to take him eat Bibimbap later. And he found new fact that Beam hates to watch his best friend lovey dovey PDA on public. Why he hates it? He could do it too with one of his lovers, couldn't he?

"By the way, what are you talking about just now?" Beam's question makes Forth travel back to his memory 15 minutes ago.

"Hey Beam, do you believe that our Forth is a single all the time?"  Oh shit! Forth clench his fist until it turns white. He really want to stuff all of the fries inside Kit's mouth to shut him.

"Right P', i'm not believing it till Ming tells that he already set a bunch date which only get turned down. P'Pha even willing to introduce a nurse on his hospital for him," Please not you too N'Yo! Suddenly Forth feels like he want to dig a hole and jump inside to hide his embarrassment. Why he should announce his loneliness in front of anyone, above all to Beam. He would laugh his ass off.

"Really? Are you sure that is our highly Engineering Moon that we're talking about?" Forth's surprised to hear Beam's doubt, the old Beam would mock and tease him. Back then only Beam that brave enough to tease him being stupid man, not fully use his face and fame to sleep around with beauties. Forth's chuckle in his mind when he remember that Beam once whining about God's fairness about dividing appearance and brain.

When Forth sees sourness on Beam's face, he clear his throat and response, "I told you already guys, i'm fine then and now. No need to concern me because there's no rush too."

He saw Beam lean his elbow against the table and support his chin lazily then said in somber tone, "Indeed it's different to be a CEO, recently i wonder how pleasant to have a little family."

Why he thought as if being CEO is an advantage? It's not like i could get everything i want. Now look at him, he already wonder to have family when i try to recover from memories. Before Forth clear anything Pha already response to Beam, "Ai'Beam if you want to have family you need choose one of your lover. Even though i prefer you looking for new one, they're not suitable for you." See, even you don't have any difficulties to choose a wife!

"Hey, don't said bad things about them. I love them and i believed that we already over of this matter."

"Don't get me wrong Beam, how you could have time for your family if you keep them?"

"P'Pha is right P'Beam. You couldn't work on 4 different place a day when you start family. Don't you ever say that you want to see your child's milestone?" said Yo to speak up for his husband good intention.

"If you still insist, you should find a person that could stand being the fifth. There is no person that make his four part time job as his lover except you," mock Kit about Beam's stubbornness, make Forth clearly catch where is the flow of the conversation. He feels the heavy weight on his heart suddenly lifted.


Hello guys, here is short update to celebrate the 2,5k views!!
I feel really happy and grateful that it's been only a week but my story already get many positive responses.
Thank you very much to all of the reader, especially the one who leave me comment!
I'm sorry that i couldn't reply you as i usually did, but i still read it.
Your comment really encourage me, i'll try my best to reply your next comments!

I'm sorry that i'm still taking time to update because i have difficulties to adapt with my new job's working time.
I promise to give you the longer update within 2 days.

Please hang on guys!

*hugs and kisses*

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