Chapter 7

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"Don't get it wrong , we all love you Ai'Beam . We can't bear to watch you working from dawn till midnight," Pha said it casually because he got a feeling that his wife remarks about kids would stab Beam in the heart. He knows very well that Beam really want to have his own family after he lost his parents. Pha is giving the others code by waving his hand to move the topics.

"But he can't live like this forever Pha, you can see that our Beam force his body to the point that he can't feel tiredness anymore. That's just Ai'Beam being strongheaded. Just if he want to accept our help back then, I'm sure he should be one of the famous young doctor in the city." Unfortunately Kit didn't catch the code and pour his thought, even Ming is looking at him disbelief.

"Ya! What's wrong doing many jobs? Am I not qualified enough that I should be your burden? I want to be dependence and looking for my own happiness. I'm sure there will be someone out there that accept me for whoever am I."

Everybody saw a glint of tears for a second, they're surprised because no matter what their Beam is strong as a rock in the ocean. This is their first time to see Beam showing his weakness side.

"It's not that I'm being forced to do that. I love all of my jobs, eventhough i can't make many but i found my peace on it. When I woke up in the morning and deliver the milks I got to see how fresh the world. When I'm working on minimarket I could meet many new people and observe the uniqueness of human creature. When I'm assist you on clinic I could feel proud whenever patient say they're feeling better after visit. Even when I'm working at bar I'm feeling happy because I would see you all, though I barely join you to chit chat but seeing your presences calm me down and wash my fatigue." Beam couldn't suppress his sadness anymore. It's true that he's tired like a hell doing his routine every single day, but he's happy that he can meet his friends and saw them doing okay.

"Don't take it to heart. Indeed your friends only want the best for you." Forth rubs Beam's head and comfort him.

"Forth is right Ai'Beam, we are sorry if we hurt your feeling. We never look you down, we want you to live your youth life fully," said Kit with stern eyes making Forth stop his action.

"Enn, i know. I'm sorry too, right now I'm feeling really down. Thanks God I got the best friends in the world." Finally Beam let small smile appear on his handsome face, for a second he feels like his heart stop beating. Seems like not only Beam that got surprised, certain person nearly got heart attack for his impulsive action.

"I'm hungry nah, let's grab dinner together. I want to eat bibimbap with double portion. All of this convo makes my stomach work really hard." Grumbles Kit welcomed by the others weird stares.

"Ai'Kit how comes we talk with mouth but your stomach got the effect?" ask Ming.

"No sleepover for tonight Ming, just go home with taxi!" said Kit while grabing his things and start walking to the parking lot. Of course his dearest run after to coax the fuming cat, followed by the others laughing very hard.


Thanks for the waiting, i hope i still got the sense and continue to write till complete.
Sorry for slow flows.
I hope you enjoy it.
Lastly, thank you for all comments and support. I couldn't imagine that this story got so many readers.
See you on next chap!


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