Part 1

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Me and the girls were visiting the boys as usual. I run through the open gates of the house and stopped in front of the door. I knocked, but no one seemed to have heard it. I tried the handle and the door opened. "That's weird." Liz said as we all stared at the door. "Well let's go in then!" Lilly exclaimed and I was forced to step inside the house first. We went inside and closed the door behind us.

 I looked around, everything was pitch black. I could hardly make out the shape of my hand in front of my eyes. We heard a click. "What was that?!" Liz asked, looking around. "Guys, we're trapped! The door just locked itself!" I heard Lilly pulling at the door handle. I heard a weird sound, it was like those creepy footsteps in a horror movie. "Guys shush!" I said and we all fell silent. I held my breath and froze in place. Then there came the tap of the footsteps again tap...tap...tap... 

Then, out of nowhere i felt something push me onto the couch. "WOAH!" I could heard Liz and Lilly screaming as well then the someone turned the lights on.

 "HARRY! WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled as I realized that Harry and Niall were squashing me under their weight onto the sofa. I pushed them both off.

"Hello to you too sis!" Harry grinned and all the other boys were laughing their heads off.

 "You scared the hell out of us!" Liz said, clearly annoyed. She gave Liam her 'You'll pay for this' look and he stopped laughing.

Lilly seemed to be glad that she finally got to see Louis again. "Boo Bear!" Lilly exclaimed and ran towards Louis, which was sitting next to the lights. They have a brother-sister hug. "Hey lil' sis!" Louis said, squeezing Lilly in his arms.

"Oh I get it! I don't get a hug then?!" Harry said and folded his arms, looking away just like a small kid would do if he was mad. I smiled and jumped on him back, hugging him. "Of course you do Hazza!" I said while glomping him. I looked at Liz as she went to hug Liam.

"So Nialler don't get a hug?" Niall said in a silly way. "Yeah! What about me?!" Zayn added. I nodded towards the girls and we gave them both a HUGE hug.     "Better?" Lilly asked and the boys nodded.

10 minutes later we were chatting away. I looked at the clock - 5:25 -  I jumped up and went straight to the mirror. "Where are you going sis?" Harry asked as I looked at my long black hair (Hazza has curly hair I have straight hair. weird...) then put some mascara on. "I have to meet Zak at half past." I told him as i got my high tops on. "Ok. Be back at 7 ok?" he said and i smiled, he cared so much for me. "Half past 7." I said. "Deal." Harry winked and I raced towards the park.

I stopped panting as I reached the park. I walked around, trying to find Zak.

I admired the flowers and the trees. Then I saw Zak. I ran up to him and he looked very surprised. Did her forget we had to meet today at 5:30? "Hey, Zak!" I waved and then I saw a girl running towards him and kissed him. "Who the hell is this?!" I asked looking at the girl. "I'm Lullah. I'm A model and Zak's girlfriend." she said. Was she really that stupid? Didn't she see that Zak is or was my boyfriend?! 

"Ahem. You can't be his girlfriend, because I am...." I told her then looked at Zak. "Tell her!" I added.

"Zak is it true?" Lullah asked. Zak looked at me for a second then at her. "I don't even know who she is." he told Lullah.

 My heart broke into a million pieces. I raced back towards Harry's house. I stopped as I entered the garden. Tears were running down my face, hot tears of sadness and anger. I pushed the door open. "Hey, Rye!" I saw my brother in front of me, his arms open, but I ran past him and up the stairs. I sat there and started crying my heart out. "Rylee? What's wrong?!" Harry ran after me and sat down, next to me. I was holding my knees close to my chest, forming a human ball. "Leave me alone." I mumbled as more tears ran down my cheeks and onto the carpet. Lilly, Liz, Niall and the others were already sitting around me. Hazza hugged me and started to stroke my hair. "It's ok. Don't cry." I heard him say. "Tell us what happened Rye." Louis said in a soft voice.

 I took a deep breath, I cried for hours and Harry hugged me the whole time. He was such a good brother. I finally stopped when I had no more tears left.

"It's about Zak isn't it?" Harry asked, looking very serious. I was used to him knowing when and what I felt, apparently we had a special 'connection' so there was no way of hiding this from him. "Yes." I sniffled and told him what happened. After I finished Niall and Zayn got up. "I'll punch that guys right in the ---" Niall said but was cut off by Liam "If you actually do that you might get in jail." he explained.

 I got up and started to walk towards the stairs, but then my mind went black and I started to fall. I could hear faint voices shouting my name "Rye! Rye you ok?!Rye wake up!" Then it all went silent, it all went black.


Sorry, but my chapters are really short. I wrote this a while ago.

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