Shauna, Shauna, Shauna.....

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*Will's POV*

When Shelby told me about Graser, I was shocked. He was in the hospital? I texted Graser to see if he was okay.

Me: Hey Gras. Shelby told me you're in the hospital. U ok?

Graser: Hey Will 😉

Me: Is this you Graser?

Graser: It's Shauna ❤️

Me: Oh, Hi!

Graser: Come on teamspeak

Me: Okay....

I was wondering what Shauna wanted when she told me to come on teamspeak.

"Shauna?" I asked when I got in the call. "Hey baby" she said quietly. "Is Zach okay?" I asked her. I needed to know more about this. "Let's forget about Graser for a sec and focus on us baby" She said. "What do you mean?" I asked her. I did not know what she was talking about. "I always liked you Will. Care to make my dreams come true?" She said slowly.

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"No!" I said, "Your boyfriend is in the hospital so you cheat on him with me?" I was shocked Shauna would have the nerve to do this to Graser! He is my best friend and I would never in a million years stoop that low and hook up with his girlfriend.

"Come on, Willy. You know you want to. And we don't have to ever tell Zach. Just this one time baby." She said sounding a little bit annoyed. "I would never do that to my best friend, and you don't deserve someone like Graser, he doesn't need you." I said angrily.

"Okay, fine! I'll find someone who loves me then! But you have made a huge mistake Willy. And I will get my revenge."

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"Wait a second..." I thought to myself. "Who was that who left the call before?!"

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