Trolling Will

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     It was him. Parker. The guy who I used to love. He kidnapped me. "What do you want? Money? Fame? WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He smirked at me evilly. "Shelby, I want you. That's all I want. And you don't even have Will to yourself anymore. Just be with me again."

    "Before, there was a slight chance that I would come back to you. But now, after you kidnapped me? No way! I love Will and nobody else." I said trying to get off of the chair. "Are you sure you don't love anyone else? Not even Ethan?" Did Parker know about what happened between us? "What do you mean?" I said trying to seem like I was confused. "Don't act dumb, Shelby. I know you went over to Ethan's and you two made out. I see everything."

   "So?" I said, "It's not like it meant anything." He laughed. "Sure it didn't. Just like me proposing didn't mean anything to you." I smiled. "Well, it actually didn't. And I never loved you, Par-"

And then I blacked out.


  I was so upset with Shelby after we broke up. I decided to text a special someone who I knew loved me.

W: Hey Shauna wanna Skype?
S: fine only cause you asked


  -=+Time Rewind+=-

   I was going to do it. I called him and waited impatiently for him to answer. "Hello?" I heard him say. "Um..Zach? I don't really want to do this over the phone but I can't because as you know I'm in Nevada but.....I'm breaking up with you, Zach. I don't deserve you. I'm horrible."

"No you aren't, Shauna. You're so incredibly beautiful and sweet to me. I couldn't ask for anyone better then you."

"Well you need someone better then me. You're the best boyfriend anybody could ever ask for and I treat you like trash. But the only trash here is me."

"You are not trash, Shauna. You're the best. You're always so kindhearted and honest and I love you for that."

"Zach....I'm not as honest as you think. I've been cheating on you. W-W......With Liam. But I have realized I love you more and I was stupid."

"You.....cheated on me? It's okay though everyone makes mista-"

"You don't need me Zach.....nobody needs me.....I'm worthless and scummy and treat others like total and utter shit."


   "Shauna, listen to me. You're not worthless. I don't even care that you've been cheating. You're the only girl for me. And you treat me like a king(tong). I don't deserve you."

   Then, I realized that she hung up. I had to take all this in. Why does Shauna think she's the worst? I know she cheat on me but like, I don't even care! She had the guts to do something a lot of people can't do, tell the truth and come clean. I love her so much, and I don't want to see her that upset.


I was crying lying on the ground in Zara's house. I heard the door open. "Kimmy? What's wrong?" It was Liam. "L-Liam, I have something to tell you. My name's Shauna not Kimmy. And I'm dating Zach, or, Graser. I don't really love you I just realized."

   I could see he looked shocked. "Well, I see this is worthless now." He said, holding a velvet box opened with a ring inside it. Then, I realized. He was gonna propose. He was all dressed up and everything. "Oh, Liam........." I said. "Save it." He said storming out.

   I called Zara to just share my feelings with her. "Hey Zara." I said still crying. " okay?" Zara said. She could tell something was wrong. "I-I just broke up with Liam because I realized I love Zach more....and Liam was gonna propose to me......" Zara gasped. "Well, haven't you two been together for not even a month? And he's proposing?" I didn't even think about that. Maybe it's good I left him. "Well, anyways, he's leaving now and I'm probably gonna go back to Canada in a few days so you can come back now." Zara gasped again. "What?" I said. "Before you leave, you and me should have a GIRLS NIGHT!"

   "Omg we haven't had one of those in ages! How about tonight?" "Sure!" Zara said,"I'll head back to the house in a little" I was so excited to hang out with her. "Kay, see u in a bit!" I said happily. "Bye!" Zara said. This was gonna help me get my mind off of all the other stuff.

-=+•Current Time•+=-

   Will texted me to get onto Skype. I saw he was calling so I answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, Shauna! So uuhhhh about that call a while agooo..." ugh! Was he actually gonna bring this up? I was in such a good mood because I was gonna be seeing Zara in like thirty minutes! "What about it?" I said in a disgusted voice. "Well......I just broke up with my girlfriend about it?" Are you serious? The one time Will actually wants me, I want Zach? I had a plan. One that was gonna be brilliant, which is usually something I am not. "Sure, Willy. Anything for you. You are my kiing." And thus the trolling of Will began.

QotD: Tofuudiger or Pybzi?

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