Tinder Matches

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    What was I going to do? I was with Shelby, but what about Shauna?


    Me and Zara were still texting Will, and to be honest, it was a lot of fun. We kept sending him random things like I want you so bad and I need you <3. "Wait." Zara said. "What?" "We should get him to say I love you to us." "Great idea!" I said. Tonight was just getting started.

S: Will can we talk on Skype?
W: sure :)

    We were going to go on Skype and I was going to tell him how much I love him and hopefully have him say it back. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Zara whispered incase Will answered. "Hello?" I heard him say. "H-hey Will. I uh, have something I need to tell you...." I said. "What is it?" He said. "I-I, um......I l-love you, Will." I said shyly. Zara was holding back her laughs. "I told you that you should be an actress." She said very quietly.


    "I......Uhh.......I don't love- Anybody except you, Shauna! I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I never really knew how, but now there's nothing holding me back. I love you, Shauna. And I don't care about Graser and you dating." I definitely didn't want to say that. I was going to tell her we are just friends. I guess my body just really wants her.


    I muted myself so that Will couldn't hear me. "You recorded that right?" I said to Zara. She nodded her head yes and started laughing. "I can't believe we actually pulled this off." I unmuted and said, "I'm glad you feel that way, Will. Talk to you later." I hung up and started laughing. "Oh, man. Is he in trouble now. I'm gonna send this to Zach in a little." I said.

    "Great work, Shauna. You have such amazing ideas." Zara said patting me on the shoulder. "Oh, Zara! I forgot! What do you want in return for helping me with all of this?" I said. "Umm...." Zara said tapping her finger on her chin.


    I couldn't think about what I really wanted. Except, what I told Shauna before that she obviously forgot about, and I'm glad she did. I wanted Zach. I know she loves him again but I really do want him. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I honestly can't stop thinking about him. "Can you get me..............a guy for meeee maybeee?" I said with my voice trailing off.


A guy? How was I supposed to do that? "Sure, I guess. Uh, can I see your phone for a minute?" I asked. "Sure!" Zara said handing it over. I went onto her tinder. It was the only way I could think of getting her someone.

-5 minutes later-

"Here you go!" I said giving Zara back her phone. "What did you dooooo?" She asked questioningly. "I may or may not have gone on tinder and found you someone you matched with who is super hot....."


No way. I got onto Tinder and looked for myself. My mouth was open. He was actually hot. And in my area. His name was Jordan Troyer {😉}. He had light brown hair and beautiful emerald green eyes that shimmered. "Omg. Thank you so much, Shauna." I put my phone down and hugged her. "No problem, Z." She said back to me.

Hhhhhm I wonder who the guy Zara matched with is (I'm being sarcastic guys!). I'm probably gonna have like 10 more chapters before this is over but DONT WORRY! I may or may not have a WilLiam fanfic on the way........😉

QotD: Kiible or Grubble?

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