F1nale or not.....?

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I had to find Will. I needed him. I could never forget him. Unless I found someone else. Three days after he went away, I found the person I was meant to be with. I had gone back to LA the day before since Will had left. I didn't even know where he was.

I had gotten back to my house and walked up to the front door when I noticed a package at the door. I picked it up and carried it inside with my suitcase. I got a knife and ripped the box open using it. It had flowers and a box of chocolates in it. There was a note that read:

I have loved you but never told you. I have admired you from a far. I am one of your best friends. It's your job to solve the puzzle. Who am I?


What? Somebody liked me? They're my best friend? I knew it automatically wasn't Will or Graser, since he has Shauna. That leaves H, Andrew, and Ethan.

Who was it?

I heard a knock on my door as I was contemplating about who was my secret admirer. I opened the door and expected somebody to be there. But no one was. I looked around and saw no one, no trace. There was a black paper on the ground. I picked it up and it read,

Shelby Shelby Shelby. Looks like you got yourself an admirer. Not for long ;)


It was that dang Z guy again. If only I knew who it was. I would assume it's Parker but Z was texting me when I was with Parker. Wait. Could Z be as in.....


It was his logo....


I hoped she got my package. I really hope she did. I hoped she loved me too.


I knocked on his door, hoping he would answer. I needed to apologize in any way shape or form. I needed him to forgive me for all the horrible stuff I did. I wanted to be friends again. I missed Kiani.


I opened the door, and was flabbergasted by who I saw. Will? Was he actually here? "I'm just gonna get straight to the point, Jordan. I'm sorry." I'm sorry. Those two last words were the words I've been hearing from him, over and over and over. But they weren't enough. He wasn't really sorry, just like when I caught him with my girlfriend, he wasn't really sorry. Or like the time he lied to everybody saying how much of a horrible person I was, he wasn't really sorry. He just says it and never means it. "Not again." I said, slamming the door in his face. I wasn't going to be his guitar he could just play whenever he felt like it.


I heard my doorbell ring and went to see who it was. I opened it and saw Shauna. "Hey Shauna." I said. She hugged me and walked into the house. "Graser, I'm sorry I cheated on you. I don't know what got into me. I was just kinda stressed I guess. I really do love you though." She said. "It's okay everybody makes mistakes." It's true, everybody has those days. "Um Graser, there is something else I need to tell you, though."


"Um...while I was in Nevada.....One of your best friends hit on me." I told him. I needed him to know the real Will. "No. Who was it?" He said. I could tell he was enraged. "I-i don't wanna ruin your friendship....cause you guys are like best friends........"

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