The Other End

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*Shelby's POV*

"Shelby?" Will said. He was definitely surprised that I was here.

"It's me."

He walked to me and hugged me. "Oh my gosh! I wasn't expecting you to come to England! What are you doing here?"

I released from our hug and started to talk. "Well, I wanted to come here to see you! Since we, you know, kinda confessed our love to eachother."
*Will's POV*

I told Shelby how I feel. I forgot I did that. "I totally forgot about I-"

My words were cut off by Shelby kissing me on the cheek. She smirked at me.

"Do you, uh, wanna stay here while you're in England?" I said.

Why do I have to be so awkward around her?

"If you want me too." Shelby said.

"Sure, I guess."
_timeskip 2hrs

Shelby and I were snuggling on the couch together and watching a movie. "Aahhh," Shelby yawned. I put me arm around her waist. She looked over to me with tired eyes. "I don't know if I told you this before, b-but...." she started. "I love you"
"I love you too, Shelby," I said. "With all my heart." We fell asleep there on the couch, us in each other's arms.

•Shelby's POV•

3 hours later

I was walking back to Will's apartment with some pizza I got for us when it happened. I thought it was nothing at first, but then it got seriously wrong.

I heard a buzzing sound in my ears. It was really high pitched. The sound was very faint but it hurt my ears. I kept on walking and it got louder and louder. I sprinted away and it eventually left my ears.

Then, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID to see who was calling. It said No Caller ID.

That's impossible

I thought to myself. I have never blocked a number before. Someone was probably using *67.

I answered it expecting to be pranked by one of my friends or something. I heard a rattling noise. It was what happened next when I realized I was in danger.

"Hello?" I said, not into the phone, but to anyone around me. The only thing was............

I heard that through the other end.

QotD: Dan or Phil?

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