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Harrison: Tom! Wake up mate!

Tom: *groans and turns away from Haz*

Harrison: Mate you haven't got out of bed in a week what's going on?

Tom: *gives Haz the evil eye*

Harrison: is it because you didn't get the part in "Riverdale"? come on stop thinking about that there will be many other opportunities don't worry!

Tom: shut up

Harrison: k that's it we are going out get out of bed take a shower and get dressed then meet me in the living room

Tom: fine

*Tom takes a shower gets dressed*

Tom: k I guess I'm ready

Harrison: ok let's get out of here

*Harrison grabs his keys and locks the apartment door. They both walk down the street walking extra slow because Tom is in an awful mood. They arrive at a Starbucks*

Tom: why the hell did you make me walk 10 blocks to get coffee?

Harrison: because you needed the walk. Don't you feel any better?

Tom: not until I get my coffee!

Harrison: ah! There's the Tom I know

*they laugh then walk inside. They order their drinks Haz orders a frappuccino  and Tom orders a latte. They walk to an empty table and sit down. Almost immediately they were interrupted by fans*

Fans: omg! You are Tom Holland! And you are Harrison osterfield!

Harrison: Hey! Yes we are!

Tom: * rolls his eyes the looks up at fans. He looks at the one girl who has platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He then turns his head and looks at the other girl who is absolutely gorgeous! She has beautiful Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes that are so bright and so fierce that they are like fire*

Tom: H- hey

Fans: hi I'm Lizzy and this is Y/N

You: so nice to finally meet you guys! Can we get a picture with you?

Harrison: for sure!

Tom: uh y-yeah sure

*Tom and Haz take pic with fans. The fans hug them and run away happily.*

Tom: *stares at the door the fan and her gorgeous friend went through*

Harrison: wanna get going?

Tom: uh... uh... huh? What did you say?

Harrison: *laughs* glad you cam now aren't ya!

Tom: that girl was so hot dude! I need to talk to her again

Harrison: don't mean to ruin your day mate but I doubt you will ever see her again

Tom: I need to talk to Y/N again

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