Don't do it Tom

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Harrison: Tom I know it's hard wait here I'll go talk to her

Tom: *looks at Harrison with barley any expression*

Harrison: tom your eyes are bright red go to the bathroom splash your face with water

Tom: no

Harrison: ok fine. Be right back

*harrison walks to your room*

You: hey Haz

Harrison: you remember me?

You: yeah why wouldn't I? You're so silly!

Harrison: but Tom came in here and you didn't know who he was

You: Tom came in? When? He didn't come yet!

Harrison: he cam in about 10 minutes ago Y/N

You: I don't remember

Harrison: it's ok Y/N it's part of your condition it will go away

You: damn Haz you're really hot

Harrison: Y/N your with Tom

You: who's Tom?

Harrison: *sheds a few tears*

You: hmm? Who is he?

Harrison: no one never mind. Just don't call me hot ok?

You: ok sorry

Harrison: it's ok! I'll be back later ok?

You: yeah and bring that Tom guy I want to meet him!

Harrison: yeah ok

*Harrison walks out of your room crying. He walks up to Tom and says*

Harrison: you're right she doesn't remember many things

Tom: yeah

Harrison: Tom?

Tom: yeah?

Harrison: she called me hot

Tom: b-but I thought she loved me

Harrison: she does she just doesn't remember

Tom: Harrison its all my fault!

Harrison: come on tom it's not your fault

Tom: haz I can't deal with hurting her anymore... I want

Harrison: tom? Hey?

Tom: i-i- I want to die haz

Harrison: no tom don't say that! You have so many people who love you and care about you!

Tom: I can't live without Y/N knowing who I am *he says while crying*

Harrison: wait here mate ok?

Tom: *sits on ground crying and ignores Haz*

*harrison walks over to the desk and talks to on of the nurses*

Nurse: how can I help you?

Harrison: my friend is thinking of hurting himself. Can a doctor check him out?

Nurse: yes of course! During the time you are waiting for the doctor please make sure he has nothing in his pockets, nothing sharp or his phone.

Harrison: yes ok! Could we have someone watch over him I can't let him hurt himself

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