Hottie holland

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*you find yourself pulling Tom in closer as you both intensely kiss each other. You then pull away and hug tom. He hugs you back*

Tom: Y/N?

You: yes Tommy?

Tom: *laughs a bit* want to go out?

You: yes I would like that!

Tom: how about tomorrow?

You: ok sounds good

Tom: ok

You: ok

*Tom gently grabs your head and kisses your forehead you feel butterflies in your stomach and it feels like you are going to puke. You were in love with Tom*

Tom: goodnight Y/N (and last name)

You: good night hottie holland *you both laughed as you said that*

Tom: I actually really love that!

You: then I'll call you that from now on!

Tom: I think I would like that not gonna lie

You: hahaha goodnight

Tom: goodnight!

*tom leaves and you close the door. You turn around to see Lizzy standing behind you*

Lizzy: omg! You like Tom? And Tom likes you!!! Omg this is perfect you guys will date then get married and I will be your maid of honour and... *you cut Lizzy off*

You: we aren't dating just yet and we definitely aren't getting married either so stop with your dreaming!

Lizzy: just saying you guys are perfect for each other! When is the next date?

You: tomorrow!

Lizzy:oooooooo! Yay!

You: stop!

Lizzy: fine but I will plan your wedding just saying

*lizzy goes into her room and you go into yours. You had trouble sleeping because you were so excited about the date with tom the next day. You just couldn't believe what happened.*

You: hmmmmm me Y/N (and last name) the nobody who has never liked a guy let alone dated one has fallen for Tom Holland! Wow!

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