Maybe I do love you

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*You run home from your "date" with Tom and burst through your apartment door crying*

Lizzy: omg Y/N what happened?

You: I went out with Tom and it was amazing until he tried to kiss me and I freaked out said I only wanted to be friends and then I ran away

Lizzy: why would you run away I thought you loved Tom

You: I love him as an actor and a friend but I don't know if I like him like him

Lizzy: I think you should tell Tom that

You: I tried and he looked upset so that's why I ran I think he's mad

Lizzy: Tom is a sweet guy I don think he is actually mad... why don't you go talk to him tomorrow morning

You: Yeah maybe but I'm going to bed now

Lizzy: ok goodnight

*you walk into your room get into your pjs and slowly fall asleep"
*back at Tom's apartment*

Tom: Haz!

Harrison: yeah! Hey! How was it?

Tom: terrible and amazing at the same time

Harrison: what happened?

Tom: we have a lot in common but at the end of the date I tried to kiss her and she wasn't into it and she ran away

Harrison: *laughs* you got rejected *laughs*

Tom: Haz! It's not funny I really like Y/N

Harrison: So go talk to her!

Tom: yeah thanks so much for the advice I'm going to bed *being sarcastic*

Harrison: *laughs*

*The next day*

Tom: Haz I'm going to Y/N's

Harrison: ok bye!

*Tom walks out the door and walks to your house*

*Tom knocks on your door*

You: Tom? Um hi!?

Tom: I made a mistake yesterday and I'm sorry

You: no it wasn't your fault trust me

Tom: so why did you run after I tried to kiss you

You: because I thought you were mad at me I thought you didn't like me because I didn't want to kiss you

Tom: I would never be mad at you for that reason that's crazy! I wasn't upset at all. I was honestly just kind of embarrassed that I got rejected

You: sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you

Tom: no it's ok really at least I got rejected by a really pretty girl

You: awe thanks Tommy

*you smile as Tom grabs your hand then walks away*

*you practically melted when he did that... maybe you did want to be with Tom. Like more than just friends... but did Tom? You just told him you were wanted to be friends what is going to happen now?"

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