He wouldn't would he?

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*another week passed and your stutter faded away and your love for Tom grew stronger and stronger each day*

*you and Tom were sleeping in your bed together. You got up to get a glass of water and when you came back into your room you immediately felt Tom place his hand on your waste*

You: Tom?

Tom: yes Y/N?

You: can you take me out?

Tom: of course! Where do you want to go?

You: I want pizza!

Tom: *laughs* how about a walk in the park as well?

You: ok! But later tonight because I'm going shopping with Lizzy today

Tom: make sure  to buy a nice outfit for our date

You: yes Tommy

Tom: *laughs* I don't think you understand how much I love you*

You: no but I understand how much I love you! Trust me I love you a lot

*tom kisses your lips then grabs your hand and kisses that before he gets up and goes to the bathroom*

Lizzy: ready to go?

You: soon just got to get dressed

*you put on a stripped t and a plaid flannel and some jeans. You walk into the bathroom with Tom still in the shower*

You: Tommy I'm in here ok?

Tom: ok that's ok

*you put some light makeup on then brush your hair and teeth*

You: ready to go now

Lizzy: ok lets go!

*you get to the mall and you go into a few stores like Call it spring, Pink, American Eagle and a few others until you arrive at Garage*

You: Lizzy let's go into garage I need to get an outfit for my date with Tom!

Lizzy: yes let's go!

*you look around in the store a bit until you see a floral shirt a beautiful sweater and a black shirt*

You: this is perfect?

Lizzy: yes try it on! And I'm going to try on this dress as well!

You: cool lets go!

*you both go in to the change room but you try your stuff on first*

Lizzy: damn girl you look hot

You: I love it!

Lizzy: yessss! Let's get it!

*Lizzy goes next and you wait. You suddenly see someone walking over to you with a dirty look on their face*

Person: you're Y/N right?

You: yes? Why?

Person: I wanted to let you know that I don't like you with Tom. Tom is mine and he will never love you!

You: I'm sorry who are you? And Tom literally told me he loved me this morning

Person: he was lying because he loves me!

You: he probably doesn't even know who you are sorry!

Person: well he's cheating on you! Thought you would like to know that!

You: wait what? H-he he is? Are you sure?

Person: yup with me!

You: know you're lying he wouldn't do that!

Person: ok whatever you say just don't be surprised if he breaks up with you soon!

*The random girl walks away and you knew she was lying but a little part of you believed her. You felt sick to your stomach. Tom would never do that or would he?*

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