5. Milk

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These stupid humans.... how dare they take me from my precious moo cow, I could have been put to more use feeding its little calf instead of being trapped in this stupid plastic container, no offence plastic container. What's the point in sitting here in a fridge doing nothing. Just you wait humans, when I am out of here I will make a mess of your kitchen. I will make you spill me all over your bench.. OR EVEN BETTER, I WILL MAKE YOU DROP ME ON THE FLOOR! MUAHAHHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!
~after a long while~
HAHA finally, the human is going to take me out of the fridge!! COME AND GET ME HUMAN!!!  NO NOT THE BUTTER, ME, GET ME!!! God dammit, these stupid humans must know of my evil plan.... very well.. time for a little trick I call... EXPLOSIVE MILK!!!! wait.. I can't do that until these human let me out of this plastic container... LET ME OUT OF THIS STUPID PLASTIC CONTAINER HUMANS!!
~another long while later~
YES THE HUMAN IS BACK!! HERE I AM, GET ME!!! No don't close the door!! WHY DID YOU OPEN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOUR JUST GONNA CLOSE IT!!!! I am angry now, that is it... My next evil plan will work without failure.
~another long while later~
AHAH THIS STUPID HUMAN THINKS IT CAN PUT CEREAL IN THE BOWL BEFORE ME... WELL NEWS FLASH, IM GOING IN FIRST! MUAHAHHAHA wait no.... what have I done?! I MUST ESCAPE THIS BOWL, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!! PUT ME BACK IN MY PRECIOUS PLASIC CONTAINER NOW, I SWEAR I WILL NEVER COMPLAIN AGAIN!!!!! Nope, it too late... here comes the cereal. I will miss you plastic bottle... no matter how much I hated you..... I still couldn't help but love you... good bye my beloved plastic bottle plastic bottle~~
~~milk died from cereal~~

"I will miss you too milk"
From  ~ plastic bottle

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