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Harry's POV:

Once Ava had stormed out, there was an awkward silence among the group. Dan and Phil kept throwing anxious glances to each other, not knowing what to do. A couple of minutes passed and Ava still hadn't come back, and no one seemed to making any effort to stop her. I could feel the majority of the eyes in the room on me, waiting for me to decide what to do. 

With a sigh, I slowly made my way out of the room, telling the others that I would 'go get Ava.' I prayed to God that she hadn't went too far, because I didn't fancy spending the whole night looking for her if that was the case. Thankfully, I found her straight away. She was sitting on the edge of the road at the end of the street, with her head in her hands. I made my way over to her, and began conversation, which I thought would hopefully calm her down, and then I would be able to bring her back to the house. 

After talking with Ava for a while, she eventually agreed to come back to the house, which I was grateful for. When entering back into the house, it seemed that no one had moved position or even talked, as everyone was still congregated in the living room. Dan and Phil looked up with smiles, however Ava did not return the smile, and continued to glare at the pair. I rolled my eyes at the exchange, as I had told Ava that it wasn't the boys fault, but I have a feeling that's not what Ava is angry about. 

Ava went and sat by Evie, who was still shaken by the whole experience at the restaurant. I nodded my head towards the kitchen, and the boys seemed to understand what I meant, and began to make there way to the kitchen. Once we were all here, I gently closed the door behind us. The boys looked at me curiously, awaiting for what I had to say. 

"The girls are going to have to stay here tonight" I informed the group. 

"Why?" Liam questioned. 

"Because, it's going to be to risky trying to get them back across the city to their dorm, and plus I think they'll probably feel safer here rather than a shitty little dorm." I responded. "No offence." I added, once seeing Dan and Phil's slightly offended faces. 

"Yeah, you're probably right Harold" Louis agreed, patting me on the shoulder. "Who's gonna break the news to them then?" 

Everyone immediately backed away, mumbling no, as they did not know what the girls reaction would be like. I rolled my eyes before saying "God you are all wimps, this is ridiculous." I opened the kitchen door, and made my way back to the living room, the boys quickly following. 

The girls looked up at our arrival. "Really sorry to break it to you ladies, but it looks like you're gonna have to spend the night here." I explained. 

"No I don't want to stay here, can't we go back!" Evie said, which surprised me as this was the first thing she had spoken since arriving.

Ava didn't react to this news as she'd probably already suspected that this would be the outcome of the night. She did however move closer to Evie and comfort her, whispering something in her ear. 

Myself and the boys stood around awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with ourselves whilst Ava and Evie whispered to one another. Evie then stood up and cleared her throat.

"Fine, we'll stay" she sighed "But can one of you please show me where the bedroom is, I'm fucking shattered", her bluntness making most of us chuckle. Niall volunteered to show her to the room, whilst Liam, Phil and Louis also followed them upstairs mumbling about how tired they were as well. 

Ava still hadn't moved from the couch and it didn't look like she was going to anytime soon. Dan attempted to talk to her, but she continued to give him the cold shoulder, meaning that his attempts were pointless. She continued to glare at him, until he gave up speaking to her, mumbling an upset "sorry" before also retreating upstairs. I shook my head and chuckled lightly at her stubbornness. Something tells me she was reacting like this for a reason, and from the guilty looks Dan and Phil had plastered on their faces, I was curious to know what it was. However I didn't want to pry, and certainly didn't know her well enough ask outright. 

I collapsed down on the couch next to her and let out a big sigh. This night had been draining. I couldn't believe that we'd messed the plan up, it was so fucking simple. If all had gone to plan, we could of took out one of the biggest gangs in the city, which would've been a safer place for all of us. They were only getting larger and stronger, and who knows what they'll try and do next. 

I think Ava sensed my frustration as she placed a hand on my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I replied with a mumbled 'yes', not really wanting to go into any detail of what had happened as the less she knew the better. 

"Harry" Ava whispered after a few moments of silence. 

"Yeah?" I replied, also in a whisper. 

"Can we make some food, I'm fucking starving" She whispered again, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. 

As fate would have it, my stomach grumbled at exactly the same time she said this which caused both myself and her to laugh. 

"And by the sounds of it, so are you" she laughed, refering to my stomach noises. I playfully told her to fuck off, before reaching out my hand to help her up. We both made our way to the kitchen and started looking for food we could devour. 

Whilst searching for something half edible, Ava kept rambling on about how we all owed her a pizza. I promised I would buy her one, but this still didn't stop her going on for at least 5 minutes about how guilty we should all feel that she lost out on eating pizza tonight. I did however find it slightly amusing so just let her ramble on about her 'godlike' pizza (her words not mine). 

Due to the lack of time myself and the boys had spent here this week, there was hardly anything to eat which dissapointed us tremendously. It was looking like we would just have to snack on pickles and slightly mouldy bread until Ava had an idea.

"Please can we go out and get something, you can't expect us to eat this" she begged, again looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, making it hard to say no. "Please Harry, it's the least you can do, I would've had a full pizza in my belly right now if it wasn't for you guys" she laughed, hoping that she could guilt trip me into going out. 

I sighed deeply knowing this was a bad idea, but found myself agreeing anway. Ava let out a happy squeal before running out the house to get into the car, probably scared I would change my mind if I thought about it any longer. I quickly looked around for a gun and stashed it in my pocket, just to be safe...

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