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After a tiresome six and a half hour car ride, we finally made it to Brighton's Performing Arts University. It took us an hour and a half longer to get here, due to Evie reading out the wrong directions and causing us to end up in Southampton.

"Finally" I groaned, whilst getting out the car and making my way over to reception. Thankfully there was no queue as we walked over to the lady at reception. She looked exhausted but once seeing us, put on a cheesy grin and gave a welcome speech which she had probably done over a hundred times today.

"So can I take your names please" she asked politely.

"Evie Smith and Ava Hart" Evie said, responding for both of us.

After a few seconds of searching for our names, she handed us our key. "You're room 904, and you'll be sharing the dormitory with 2 other people who are already up there now. Any problems come down and see either myself or another member of staff who is around."

We already knew that we were sharing our dorm with Dan and Phil as they had been our best friends for about 5 years, and once we found out we were all attending the same university, the idea of being roommates was a no brainer.

We thanked the receptionist and proceeded to go up to our room. Once we arrived on our floor, Dan and Phil must of heard us talking because they were already walking towards us with big smiles on their faces.

"Finally!" Phil said, whilst we gave them both hugs. "What took you guys so long?" He continued.

"You can blame Evie for that." I chucked. "She bloody went and got us lost in Southampton!" This got mixed reactions from the boys. Phil asking if we were okay and Dan just laughing out loud.

The boys gave us a little tour around the dorm before we sat down on the floor and had a very needed catchup.

"We really need to get some furniture asap" I stated, looking around the room which held nothing but cardboard boxes.

"We can go tomorrow if you want?" Dan replied. "There's a furniture store down the street from here."

"Yeah that sounds fine!" I agreed, happy that the dorm would start to feel more homely once we had decorated it.

"Well I'm starving so I say we should head out for some dinner!" Evie announced.

"Sounds like a plan my man, let's gooo" I shouted, suddenly really happy we were going to get food. It might sound stupid but honestly food literally makes my day ten times happier. Like if I was ever upset, you could literally just bring me a plate of chicken and I would be happy for the rest of the day.


Dan and Phil had made reservations in an Italian restaurant whilst myself and Evie attempted to make ourselves somewhat presentable for the occasion. Once we were all ready we proceeded to go downstairs.

"Can we please just take my car!" I groaned. Dan mumbled in agreement.

"Honestly you two are so lazy!" Evie replied. "The restaurant is literally a 10 minute walk from here! Now suck it up and stop your complaining."

After what felt like a 5 day trek in the jungle, we finally arrived at the restaurant.

"Ooo this is very fancy" I exclaimed, mesmerised by the gigantic chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Nothing but the best for you two." Dan replied sarcastically. I elbowed him in the stomach which caused Evie and Phil to laugh.

"Do you have reservations?" The waitress asked, looking very bored and uninterested.

"Erm.. Yes, it should be in the name Phil Lester." Phil said. 

The waitress looked through her list, before guiding us to our table. The restaurant was extremely busy which meant you could hardly hear the person next to you because it was so loud. So most of the night would probably consist of shouting to one another over the table so they could hear you.

Once looking through the menu, Dan and I had decided to share a large pizza, whilst Evie and Phil stuck to salad and a whole lot of other green stuff, which I personally thought was disgusting.

Whilst waiting for our food, we proceeded to catch up with one another. It had been about 5 months since we had spent time with them, as we lived about 3 hours away from each other, so it was really nice to talk to them again. You wouldn't think it by looking at them, but they actually have a very protective side when it comes to me and Evie. They would always put us first no matter what and I was just truly thankful to have such wonderful people in my life.

The waitress arrived with our food, therefore interrupting my soppy thoughts.

"Aren't you jealous that you don't get to devour this beauty?" I questioned, looking at Evie and Phil's salad mountain.

"Nope, not one bit!" Phil lied, eyeing our pizza up.

"Hey! Keep your eyes on your meal Philly!" Dan exclaimed, whilst shielding our pizza from Phil's vision. This caused Phil to sigh, and myself and Dan to laugh.

Just I was about to eat the pizza, a crash from the door caught my attention. I looked over to see 4 guys running over to our table, their eyes locked on Dan and Phil. As they were coming towards us, I could see how incredibly gorgeous they were, which made me feel a bit intimidated because they looked like gods whereas I looked like a potato. However you couldn't miss the expression of panic on their face.

As they arrived at our table, they realised everyone's eyes in the restaurant were on them, so they spoke quietly so no one else could hear.

"We've fucked up, you need to leave now!" One of the guys said, surprisingly with an Irish accent.

"Are you fucking serious!" Dan whispered furiously. "How did you fuck it up?! The plan was so straight forward!"

"We'll explain later!" The Irishman snapped. "But right now we need to get the fuck out of here!!"

With that said, the four men began to run towards the back door, whilst Dan and Phil followed. Phil quickly realised he had abandoned us and turned around to apologise. Within about 15 seconds they were gone.

"What the fu.." I was interrupted by the horrendous sound of gun shots flying around the room.

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