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Harry's POV

"For fucks sake Liam!" I shouted, slightly alarmed that our plan was turning into a disaster. "All you had to do was press one fucking button!"

The four of us where currently hiding in a dark, rotten ally way because idiotic Liam over here decided to press the button that would turn off all the bombs we had placed rather than activate them. Dan and Phil had worked days on them, making sure that they were connected to our devise and would go off at our command. But here we are now, being hunted by yet another one of the governments gangs whilst we have to sit here with no weapons and no second plan. We didn't think we needed weapons as we were sure our plan would work, but I guess this is what we get for being too cocky.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now?!" Louis exclaimed, whilst lowering his voice once realising he was being too loud.

"I don't fucking know" I growled, whilst kicking the wall in frustration. Liam was quiet, looking down at his shoes in defeat.

There was a moment of silence before Niall started to speak. "We need to get Dan and Phil, they'll know what to do."

I sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "And how the fuck are we supposed to do that when we've got a bloody gang chasing us around Brighton and we have no weapons?!" I whispered furiously.

"Well what other plan do we have Harry?! We're just going to have to chance it!" The Irishman snapped. Again, I sighed deeply before reluctantly agreeing.

"What restaurant did you say they were at again?" I questioned, whilst looking out of the ally way to see if anyone was there.

"Maggiano's Little Italy" Niall stated.

I looked up at the three of them before nodding my head towards the entrance of the ally way.

"Come on then, what are we waiting for?" I questioned, before running off into the gloomy Brighton streets.


We had managed to avoid running into any gangs whilst on our way to the restaurant. It took us about 15 minutes to finally get there and once we arrived, we wasted no time getting Dan and Phil out of the restaurant.

They quickly followed us out of the restaurant however were repeatedly asking questions about how we had fucked up. Just as I was about to explain, I heard gunshots from the restaurant.

"Fuck!" I screamed. "They know where we are! We need to leave now!"

Myself, Niall, Louis and Liam began to sprint off into the distance however I turned back to find Dan and Phil running the opposite way.

"Where the hell are you going?" I shouted, furious at their stupidity.

"Ava and Evie are still in there!" They replied, panic taking over their faces. "We need to get them out!"

It was only then I realised they weren't on their own when in the restaurant. Suddenly it all clicked. Ava and Evie where Dan and Phil's best friends, they were always talking about them. It made sense why they were going back, but Dan and Phil weren't the fighters in this gang, they were the brains that held us all together. And no offence to them but they couldn't fight to save their life. We couldn't lose them because otherwise the gang would fall apart and we wouldn't be able to stop these idiotic gangs taking over the country.

Without thinking, I began running in Dan and Phil's direction whilst the boys followed me.

"Dan, Phil stop!" I shouted. "We can't let you go in! You'll be killed in an instant and you know it" I looked over at Dan and Phil who had hung their head down in defeat.

"We can't just leave them!" Phil exclaimed, whilst tears built up in his eyes.

"We aren't going to leave them, we're just not letting you two go in." I explained. "I'll go get them, just tell me what they look like."

Dan quickly took out his phone, and showed me his lock-screen which was a picture of the four of them.

I nodded and proceeded to go back into the restaurant where the screaming and gunshots were getting louder.

"I'll go as well!" I heard Louis say, which was no surprise as we were best-friends and he was to going to let me go in alone.

As we entered the restaurant, the sight was horrific. Dead bodies were laying in rivers of blood whilst other people were screaming in pain. I closed my eyes for a second, the sight haunting me. Yes I may be a criminal, but I still have fucking feelings. People were running in every direction and I honestly thought we would never be able to find Ava and Evie.

That was until I looked over to the table Dan and Phil were sitting in, to see 2 girls hiding underneath. One of the girls turned her face in my direction and I realised it was Ava. She looked distressed however was doing her best to protect Evie, which was admirable to watch.

"Louis, look I see them!" I pointed in their direction. Louis looked over and then began running towards them.

As we reached the table, they both turned towards us before cowering away.

"Please don't hurt us!" Evie cried, whilst hiding behind Ava.

Ava on the other hand was attempting to put on a brave face, which consisted of staring harshly into my eyes, however her body language was the complete opposite, signalling she was very scared to. I admired her courage but there was no time for that as we needed to get them out as soon as possible.

Louis crouched down next to them before briefly explaining we were Dan and Phil's friends. They looked very reluctant to trust us, but considering the situation they were in, they didn't really have much choice.

"We are going to get you out of here, but you need to trust us and you need to listen to us." I instructed.

They seemed to listen as they began following us once we made our way through the chaos. I made sure I had hold of Ava's hand, whilst Louis had hold of Evie's hand to make sure they were safe and keeping up with us.

Thankfully we got out safely without any getting hurt, and were greeted by the others at the back entrance. Niall had managed to break into a random car in the car park and was able to turn it on, therefore we could make a quick getaway. I still had hold of Ava's hand, but she was clutching onto it so tight that I decided to just keep holding onto it.

As we all entered the car, I began to break hold of Ava's hand.

"I sort of need my hand to drive." I explained. She realised she had been holding it so tightly before letting go and looking down, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." She chuckled lightly, before making her way to the back seat. The car was a seven seater so it just about fit everyone in.

As we began driving, an uncomfortable silence lingered in the air. How the hell were we going to explain this to Ava and Evie?


I hope you like the story! Please leave comments on what you think of the story so far!! All the love xox

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