Chapter 4

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Charlotte's POV

I woke up to the sound of a banging door.

"Ugggh it's too early in the morning for this!"
I banged my pillow across the back of my head and stumbled out of the bed.


"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I opened the door to see Henry in his suit as Kid Danger.

I never really noticed how good he looked in uniform before. I started to wake up a little bit more.

"Uh..sorry Char but me and Ray are going on a stake out." He looked a little jittery. He was probably excited because he actually gets to work on the mission.

"At 5 in the morning and you couldn't text me." I rolled my eyes as my hand lingered on the door handle.

"Well, I would but my phone was kinda dead from texting Jasper all night, apparently he got this new bucket that-

"Okay, okay, okay can I just go to bed now?"

He gave a small chuckle. "Of course you can."
He cupped my chin and I about fell into his arms.

Just then I saw Ray walk down the hall.

"Come on dude we don't have much time, good morning bed head!" He tapped his watch multiple times and ran down the rest of the hall.

"Well I guess I gotta go, see you later?" He started backing up.

"Yeah if I'm awake by then!" I yelled as he jogged down the hall and in an instant he was gone.

I walked over to my bed and threw myself in it, face flat and forward.

Tomorrow was our last day here and except for yesterday, that was only really my time out. I decided I wanted to go to the mall and I'd pick some things up for myself. But first, I'd have to make some breakfast.

As I got dressed I wondered what Ray really used this trip for. Maybe he needed a vacation but didn't want to admit it, but I don't understand why he would wait until the last minute to do what he needed to do.

Ugh. Males.

I grabbed some eggs and cracked them into a bowl.

Henry's POV

The sun was just starting to peak through, and we were in some kind of alley behind a restaurant or cafe.

"Ok, so what's the mission?" I asked rubbing my hands together.

He pulled me down behind a trash can.

"Um..there's this girl- I mean guy..and he had been conning people out of their money for some top secret....thing." 

He looked determined as he looked behind the awful smelling garbage bags.

"But if you see anyone, a man, a woman, a baby, a woman...just tell me, you never know who could be involved in a crime."

I laughed.

"A baby? Come on now, don't tell me you've been drinking that happy juice now?"

"Shhh!" He held his fingers to my lips and I heard the clip clop of a ladies heels, and he was stretching his neck out to see who it was.

It was a tall lady with brunette hair and she was about average height. She had on jeans and a flowing T-shirt with flats.
She started to tie an apron around her waist and went inside the building.

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