Chapter Twenty-one

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I wasn't actually going to post this just yet, but I'm feeling extra nice today so here you go!

Plus a lot of you are requesting for me to post again. ;)

Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm not feeling too good right now and don't feel like proof reading.


It was two weeks later and Louis had just passed the 12 week mark of his pregnancy, thus meaning he would soon be in his second trimester.

He was moderately excited about going into second trimester. From his and Harry's online research; the nausea would subside; his emotions would even out; but most importantly, he'd be able to feel the baby moving.

The expecting parents would also be able to know the gender of baby, however, they were leaning towards not finding out until the birth.

"Harreh," Louis called , his accent sounding quite prominent. "Can you make me some tea please?"

He batted his eyelashes with knowledge that Harry couldn't resist when he did that.

The model gently pecked his partners lips and stood to make him his requested beverage.

Although Harry would most likely deny it if he was asked about it directly, however; he was definitely whipped.

"Here's you yes, baby," Harry announced almost ten minutes later. He handed Louis the porcelain tea cup and sat down next to him, pulling the pregnant lad just a bit closer.

Louis smiled gratefully and then his eyes widened in response, "Jacob's going to be waking up soon."

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of him today; you just relax," he commanded, smooching his lovers lips one final time, then headed down the hall towards Jacob's bedroom.

The four year old was indeed already awake, and sat on the floor playing with some Hot Wheels along with a ramp out of Legos.

"Morning Jacob," Harry greeted, walking over to the young boys dresser.

Normally Louis had gotten Jacob dressed whilst Harry made breakfast, however, due to Louis feeling ill today; Harry would have to deal with Jacob himself.

Yet he didn't mean since this could be somewhat of a practice for when his jellybean comes.

He handed the chosen clothes to Jacob and left the room to prepare breakfast for him. A simple dish of scrambled eggs and toast with Jacob's choice of juice.

"Babe, I made breakfast, you want some?" He hopefully asked, just wanting him to eat some type of food, not wanting Louis or jellybean hungry.

Louis nodded in response then stood to get up off the couch, however, as soon as he did so, he felt faint and had to sit right back down.

"Lou, hunny, you alright?" Harry concernedly questioned, worried about jellybean and Louis' well-being.

"Y-yeah, just stood up too fast.. I think."

Even though Harry wasn't convinced with his answer, he simply nodded and guided Louis to the kitchen. Where Jacob sat happily munching on his food prepared by Harry.

"Papa, Jacob exclaimed when he saw Louis walking into the room. He was about to get up and run to him, but when he noticed Harry's hands in his dads hips. The four year old couldn't help but admire them.

"Hi bubs, did you thank Harry for breakfast?" He always made sure that Jacob had a few polite manners.

"Yus papa, I did." The two adults couldn't help but grin at the adorableness of the four year old.

Halfway through breakfast Louis head announced that he had a doctors appointment that day, which made him groan because it had completely slipped his mind. Plus with the fact that he wasn't feeling well.

So when the time came to leave, they got into Harry's car, Jacob included due to the fact they weren't able to find a last minute babysitter that easily.


"Harry, where're are we?" Jacob curiously asked, as the man helped him out of the SUV.

"We're at the doctors for the baby," he said, making sure the child was holding his hand as they walked in the parking lot.

Jacob then frowned, "But they're not here." And once again Harry couldn't help but smile as he hurried inside with Jacob.

Louis was already in the building, due to the fact that Harry wasn't allowing him to walk too far because of the earlier incident.

After fifteen minutes later the couple, along with four year old, was called back. Jacob was being quite rambunctious in the exam room, which prompted him to receive a scolding from both men.

Louis' doctor walked into the room a few minutes after that and greeted the family briefly.

"Has there been any health complications with the pregnancy?" Dr. Carter inquired.

Louis looked away from her whilst Harry began to speak. "This morning he stood up from the couch and almost fainted. I'm not sure if he just stood up too quickly or what."

"Well to me it sounds like some dehydration, however we'll still make sure that's all it is."

She grabbed the gel and squirted it on Louis' tummy, then turned around to grab the transducer probe for the ultrasound machine.

A steady heartbeat was heard before a small baby showed up in the screen.

"Baby seems perfectly fine, so it's probably just dehydration. Just make sure he drinks plenty of fluids and rests."

The two granted Dr. Carter their thanks before exiting the room. Jacob had mysteriously fallen asleep on Harry.

"I love all three of you so much," Harry stated, placing a kiss on his Louis' lips.

Louis smiled fondly at Harry and stood on his toes to kiss him back. "And we love you too."

The rest of the day was spent with the family going out to dinner, where Harry made sure Louis drank some water,  then to the cinemas, where Jacob had chosen to watch the new Lego Batman movie.

And Harry and Louis may or may not have sneaked a few kisses when Jacob wasn't looking.


Jacob's a secret little Larry, you guys agree?


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