"A Simple 'Life or Death' Game Of Chess" Chapter Eleven

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Third Person

      Dream sat in the black, empty place with Cross. He was sitting across from Dream with a blank stare. Dream found that.. highly creepy and terrifying, but moved his chess peace a space or two away from where it once stood. The piece he moved was soon taken out after Cross moved his pawn, a strike closer to winning. He smirked, remembering what they were playing over.

         'And why do you want to play a game with me?  Shouldn't you just kill me?' Dream snarrled, glaring up at Cross who looked amused. He did want to play with him, he was bored.
          'Well, how about I make a deal with you.' His smirk was hidden beneath his scarf as Dream raised an invisible eyebrow at him. Why did he, of all skeletons, want to make a deal with him? Over a game!? The dream giver sighed, trying to stand up but was pulled to the ground instantly by his chains. 'Fine..' He growled.
         'Good.  Now, if you win, what do you want?' Cross sat down, putting his scarf under his pelvis as a cushion. The ground really hurt if you sat on it, and he got the idea from Dream. He had taken off his cape and used it as a pillow for his butt.
         'I. Want. Freedom.' Dream hissed, yanking at his chains that faded off in the darkness behind him.
         Cross hummed in contemplation, 'Mmm, I dunno. But, since I'm desperate for a game, I'll agree with you.' He held his hand out to shake with Dream, and he was about to grab his hand and shake it, but Dream retracted his hand.
         'How do I know you aren't lying?' Dream frowned. Cross examined his face, taking in his skulls features and slightly tucking his skull deeper into his scarf to hide his faint(barely visible) blush. Why did dream suddenly seem... cute to him..? He was his hostage - NIGHTMARE'S, hostage, at that. He was just guarding him. But still, he shouldn't see him as cute.
         'You seriously see him as CUTE? Has little Crossy wossy gone sowft?' Chara's voice mocked him in his head, and he ignore her comments.
         'You'll just have to trust me. I don't know how to prove it.'
         'Pinky promise.'
         'WHAT? IS THIS GUY SERIOUS? HAHAHA, THAT'S HILARIOUS! CROSS, DID YOU HEAR THAT?!' 'Shut up, Chara.' Cross muttered in his scarf.
         'Fine, here.' Then they pinkeye promised. 'A Sans never takes back a pinky promise.' Cross grinned, looking at Dream with an insane smile. 'Now, with my part of the deal, if I win, you have to do whatever I say, I also get the ability to kill you. And you can't have any happiness. You can't give off a happy feeling, give good dreams, anything. And if you do, you die.'

         Dream swallowed the forming lump in his 'throat', fearing death. He didn't even know how to play chess. The only thing close to chess that he knew of was ChessTale. He didn't even visit that place! Cross moved a pawn, taking out another character of Dream's. Dream was losing. He wouldn't win, he never has. And he never will. Cross whispered something, gaining an evil look and rolling his eyes. Maybe.. he could cheat while Cross was distracted. Using his magic while Cross closed his eye sockets and looked away when they opened he grabbed a pawn, hiding it behind him. Cross growled, holding his face. Now! Dream made the piece teleport onto the bored. Cross didn't notice. He did it again, yet Cross was oblivious. Now Cross made a move, taking out a main character.

          "You know, you instantly lose after you cheat. Right?" Cross looked insane as he watched the bored, eye sockets wide.

          "Well it's unfair that I don't even know how to play chess! You just brought it up and we made a deal!" Dream yelled at him, the thought and fear of death instantly clouding his mind. He didn't want to die. Ink needed him, he'd die without him. Everyone needed good dreams, he couldn't die! Suddenly, with his burst of determination, his staff appeared in his hand. It formed in thin air, and his chains became gold dust. His face was dark, and one eye socket was flaming yellow. He had a slight glow to him. Cross just looked at him, standing up and taking a step back. H-he grabbed his weapon.

          "Wanna dance, pet?" Cross teased, making Dream's face darken more. "Yeah!" And he charged Cross, staff forming into a scythe. Cross mentally planned out what to do with Cahra in his mind, crouching down and tripping Dream. Dream flipped, swinging his weapon at Cross while upside-down. Cross teleported above Dream, kicking him down and floating to the ground. Dream rolled and stood, taking off his cape. He was serious now. He summoned bones that seemed like a mile high all over the ground except where he was. Cross jumped up, leg getting stabbed as he dodged the flying bone attacks. He used his magic and made it rain knifes. Dream blocked some, almost getting decapitated while running. Cross made Dream Blue. Dream suddenly felt heavy, and it took more effort to move. He charged Cross after all attacks were unsummoned, but he couldn't move. Cross was ready to attack Dream, but a voice interrupted him.

        "Broskies! Can I play this rad-tastic game too?" Fresh sarcastically asked, pinning Dream to the ground with his magic. Dream's face lightened up, "Fresh! Thank the stars your hear! Please, unpin me from the ground! I'm trying to free myself, not trying to kill him! Fully," he muttered the last part for himself to hear. If he kept it inside it wouldn't have been enough.

          "Ah hah hah, I know, brah!" Dream paled, if a skeleton could do that, as he shook slightly. "I-I don't think y-you got that right," "No, bro, I fully understand what you said." Fresh walked over to them, stepping over Dream—who was pinned to the ground—and standing beside Cross.

          "You know our demi-skele boss didn't want him dead, right?" Fresh pursed his lips at Cross, tilting his head down slightly and looking at Cross. Cross didn't move, just looked forward and kept his eyes pinned on Fresh. "Well, he said somethin' about you beain' able to keep him, to try and keep you off his back. 'I was not on his back. That liar.' Fresh shrugged, motioning to Dream. "But, as your rad eyes can see, I think you already got that. Just don't kill him yet." Fresh snapped his phalanges together and the chains were back on Dreams anckles. "I also got a gift for you, brah! It's this annoying dog that magically makes roses appear in some places away from him. It's getting really annoying, so I wanted you to kill it, thanks!" Then Fresh teleported away. Cross looked to Dream without moving, and he layed there. Dream was losing hope slowly. His determination was slipping away ever so quickly.

          Fresh teleported back, "Oh ye, that dog was ERROR's, he just left it in the castle." then he was gone again. Looking back to Dream he walked over, setting the dog down as it ran around barking. No wonder it's called the annoying dog. Dream's back was bouncing slightly as he whimpered, little crying sounds echoing from his his arms.

          "I was so close to freedom... Ink, please don't do anything you'll regret..." He cried, trying to be silent. Cross crouched down, raising an eyebrow at him. "What would he do that he'd regret?" Dream didn't move, besides his crying motions. "Getting rid of something precious.." "What does that mean?"

          "I'm not just gonna go spilling my best friends life to some evil monster!!" Dream screeched at him, laying back down and calming down. Cross looked at him innocently as he stood up, walking over to the destroyed chess bored sadly. "I like this one..." He muttered, kicking it lightly as he walked away.

Words: 1345

Sorry it's short, loosing motivation for everything I love   ._. 

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