"Golden Heart" Chapter Seventeen(Drawing By Me)

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Third Person

           Ink sat on the couch crying, feeling more pain flow down his spine and then go through his ribs and limbs. What the hell was happening to him?! Why couldn't he sense anything wrong with any AU..? In sobbed harder, feeling the pain being the worse it's ever gotten. He started to scream out the pain, not noticing the kitten that watched him from afar. The kitten scampered back, ears flattening against his head as Ink cried hard on the couch. Ink sobbed hard while the kitten quickly ran away, trying to find ERROR. He went through the first floor in search of him, not finding anything. He went to the second floor - didn't find him. Where was he? Ink needed ERROR now! Footsteps prodded to the left of the kitten, making him dash towards them. When he looked up he saw ERROR standing there, looking good at his phone. ERROR looked down to the kitten, raising a brow. "W-W-h-at-T-t?" He muttered at the kitten, walking forawrd and stopping. "I-I-i-nK-K..?" He said, speed walking over to the livingroom and gasping. He ran I, going to Ink and standing there in fear. Was Ink going to die? He couldn't die, he still played a big part in their plan. Ink sobbed as the kitten slipped into the room and his behind the couch.

           "E-ERROR..!" Ink sobbed, "M-M-Make it s-STOP!!!" His tears cascaded down his face as he layed there in pain, shaking as he curled up into a ball and held his stomach. "E-Ehm-M...." ERROR looked at Ink in a panick, not knowing what to do. 'Pain killers!' ERROR jumped away, teleporting to the bathroom and coming back to Ink almost instantly. He held his hand out, letting Ink take them. Ink swallowed them instantly without water, making him cough as he continued to cry. ERROR sat down beside him awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He clearly didn't want to hug him because of the fact that he hates physical contact, but... ERROR growled to himself, leaning over and hugging Ink in an awkward position. I know lunged himself back to ERROR, engulfing him in a hug as he sobbed. ERROR sat there stunned. Was he.. supposed to hug back? Well, he did hug Ink first, so yeah. Slowly and hesitantly, ERROR said his arms around Ink's back as he started to blush deeply. Soon after, Ink fell asleep on ERROR. Too terrified to move and wake Ink up, he stayed still. Now that he actually had the chance to observe without so much adrenaline in him, he saw that black ink was all over Ink's clothes. And the couch. That's going to be a bitch trying to clean out. He grunted, shifting under Ink's weight.

-One To Three Days Later-

          Lately, Ink has been having many of those 'tremors'. That's what Ink refers to it as, at least. ERROR had been there to help him through all of his tremors which Ink was thankful for, and he had said that he'd repay ERROR back somehow. ERROR didn't let ink leave the house at all - and not because of his evil plans with Nightmare. It was because he didn't want ink to have a tremor when he was gone. He wanted to be there for Ink and help him. ERROR shivered, flinching when he realized what he was thinking. 'No!  I can't like the pipsqueak!  He's just going to be imprisoned and wasted, anyways. Nightmare wouldn't approve of it either..' ERROR's thoughts got all jumbled up as he stood and gripped his skull in anger. He shouldn't be so caring! He's a heartless, cold blooded demon! What if he left for a bit and then came back after clearing his mind? That would work. Teleporting upstairs he looked at Ink who lay on the bed tiredly. He had been getting weaker and weaker with every tremor. "Hey_IIN-ink,_I'm_g-gon-na_go_out_FoR-r_a_b-bit._Stay_here,_I'll_be_back_with_fo-o-od_l-ater." ERROR waved to him, stepping out of the room after Ink nodded sleepily. Then, ERROR teleported off.

           When ERROR arrived at his destination in the black, hellish void, he saw a skeleton laying down on the ground all bloody. It was Dream. He was covered in mucky dried and new blood, all scratched up and barely breathing. He raised a brow, seeing dust scattered everywhere. He slowly walked over to Dream, making a sound as his shoe scuffed a pile of Dust. Dream looked at him painfully as his eye sockets went wide when he saw what he did. "DONT D-DO THAT!!!" He screamed in a scratchy voice, weakly trying to crawl over to him. A blue bandana was tied around Dream's neck and he held something right in his balled fist. ERROR raised a brow, avoiding dust(as to not dirty his shoes) and crouched down infront of Dream.

No Empty Promises [Ink X Error] FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now