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Sepherene is very interesting and her story, "The Fox and The Wolf" sounds like a great and entertaining story!

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

I was actually on a different writing site, where someone mentioned Wattpad. I decided to check it out, and I've been addicted ever since.

2. What are your favorite books (On wattpad or published)?

I'm a major fan of Maggie Stiefvater, J.R.R Tolkien, J.D Salinger, and Harper Lee. Any book from either one of those authors is a treasure to me.

3. Who would you thank if you became a famous writer?

I'd thank myself first, for not giving up. Then my mother and father, a few people I've met along the way, and maybe, in size 9 font, I'll thank my brother. Maybe.

4. What are things that inspire your writing?

Books I've read, things I've seen, words that I've heard.

5. Are your characters based on someone in real life? If so, which characters and why?

All my characters have a little bit of me in them, or are someone I would want to become. Rainy, in The Fox and the Wolf, is a messed up teen who questions his existence a lot, which is what I do everyday. Ryner, in Decadence, is weak but wants to protect everyone, which is what I bust my ass to do. Jack, in Across Acheron, does not fear death and neither do I.

6. If you had to choose between reading or writing a book, which one would you choose and why?

Writing, most definitely. I make up the rules, I control their lives, and I'm the only one who knows what will happen in the end. What more can I ask for?

7. If you could be a character in any book, which book, which character, and why?

I'd be Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird. I've always wanted to be a town shut in. With internet, though.

8. How do you come up with your book ideas?

My ideas come to me mostly in the form of dreams. I write them down when I wake up, and expand on it. Or, sometimes they come from little things that bother me, like The Fox and the Wolf.

9. How does your book writing process usually go?

I usually start by writing a plot outline. Yes, I actually sit behind my computer screen for days and write out everything that will happen scene by scene. Then, when that's done, I write the actual novel. I find it easier for me to add and remove things that way.

10. Do you like writing fan fictions, true stories, or your own ideas?

My own ideas.

11. Are you a fan of several books/ book series' or are you glued to just one?

I write several books at once, so it's only natural that I'd be a fan of several as well :P

12. If you could meet your inspiration (living or dead) what would you say to him/her?

"You have wonderful hands; may I touch them?"

13. If the world was actually based off of one book and you got to choose which book, what book would it be and why?

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater. Because faeries are cool and James is quite attractive. But, you know, the faeries...*cough*

14. Who is your favorite Wattpad author and why?

Oh my, it's really hard to choose. I'm torn between Jenny Rosen @jr0127) and Schuyler Thorpe @SchuylerThorpe)

15. What is your favorite book on Wattpad and why?

I really can't choose. There are so many amazing works on this site.

16. What Wattpad Author(s) would you like to see interviewed?

Schuyler Thorpe, hands down. I'd be quite interested to see what he says.

17. How long have you been writing?

Since I was eight years old. The stories I wrote were hideous, but at least I tried.

18. How long have you been on Wattpad?

Since July '13.

19. Have you ever won something on the watty awards?

I haven't ever applied to the Watty awards. I don't think I ever will .-.

20. Give us a summary of your story/stories available on wattpad.

Phew, okay. Well Across Acheron is a novella about 24 year old Jack speaking to a therapist about some things that happened to him (there's faeries, too. You should read it).

Decadence is set in a dystopian future, where the country Ashbury made a grave mistake and is working hard to hide it by killing off those who are controlled by deadly entities. The main character, Ryner, wants to find a way out of it.

My last ongoing novel is The Fox and the Wolf. It's about a drug addict named Rainy and his struggles being an engineered wolf and his love interest, Lacie, who was made by a scientist. (There are no real foxes, sorry).

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