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This was great, just a great interview with lilly-rain, I am sorry that it took so long for me to update! I love interviewing and talking to authors who have won a category in the watty awards, because they usually only write because they like to, not for votes, fans, or comments! And keep up the good work!

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

1. Just randomly searching through google for story sites, and I stumbled across it.

2. Why did you join Wattpad?

2. Originally to only read, but then I decided to start posting my own works up to see what people thought of them...and the response has been shocking, but amazing at the same time.

3. What is your favorite book that is not on Wattpad?

3. I have tons, but one book that I read like 2 years ago that is STILL stuck in my head is: Pig Island written by Mo's brilliant!

4. Who would you thank if you became a famous writer? Ex: Rick Riordan, C. S. Lewis, your friends/family, a celebrity, ect.

4. I would thank everyone who thought my work was good enough to fan for all their encouragement - they have been so awesome! Then my 'wattpad family', they have helped me keep my sanity when my life has been turned upside down due to personal reasons, and I can bounce ideas off of them and they give me honest opinions - which is great. Then my family members who know I write, especially my Grandma, she has encouraged me from day one.

5. What are three things that inspire your writing?

5. Life, Family and my imagination. Can't go too wrong with those three things. Your right, you can't go wrong with those thngs.

6. Are your characters based on friends/family/enemies in real life, if so, who and why?

6. Haha, yeah some of my characters are based of real people in my life - my family is crazy , but they have some wicked personalities and it helped me to make my characters are bit more realistic during my stories. Though, there are characters that I have completely made up and are based on no one at all.

7. If you had to chose between reading a book or writing one, which would you chose and why?

7. Wow, that's a hard question! I love reading and writing! But, I would have to pick writing, simply because I love making up my own worlds, it's a great escape from the stress of my life. Agreed, and apparently that is a question that everyone has to think about.

8. If you could be a character in any book, which book, which character, and why?

8. I would be Rose Hathaway from The Vampire Academy Series! She is one kick-ass chick and so full of life, plus I love how loyal she is to the people who she cares about.

9. How do you come up with your book ideas?

9. One series of mine, the Leila and Baden ones originally started from a song I heard of the radio about a boy and a girl meeting in a club...then it just spiralled from there and I made an entire book from one tiny idea. My other series, Eva and Saxon, I made up on the spot.....I enjoy reading the modern werewolf stories (even though I'm still 100% with the old-school version of werewolves) but I got tired of reading the female mate being all weak, and needing her male mate to continually do everything for I wrote my own version. Even though I have read some amazing stories with a weaker female character, but when I started this series it was rare to find a strong female character in this type of genre.

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