Murr- Reunited

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Murr and the other guys had been on tour for a few weeks and you weren't able to see him. You got really lonely sometimes. He was very busy most days prepping for shows and the guys were in meetings with the other guys. Whenever he had downtime, he would text you. At night he would FaceTime you. There was never a night where he didn't call you. It was often late and he was always pretty tired, but he would call you.

"Honey, you look exhausted, you didn't have to call me, I would have understood," you tell him. He disagrees with you.

"You're my girl, I always have time for you. I always want to check in with you and see how your day was. I miss hearing your voice and your laugh. I can't wait to be home with you. The guys are getting tired of me saying how much I miss you," he informs you. Being on FaceTime was the closest you two were to talking in person, but it never felt right. At some point during the call one of you would get tired and say you were going to bed. Murr would kiss his screen but you missed the feeling of him actually kissing you goodnight even more. 

Even though he was gone for only a few weeks, it felt like months. Ever since you started dating Murr, the other guys had become 3 of your closest friends and it seemed a little lonelier without them too. Joe would text you sometimes to check in on you and he would tell you how Murr was going crazy without you with him. You had a little anxiety when Murr first told you that there was another short tour. You worried that he'd meet another girl and really hit it off with her and something would happen between them. With Murr calling you every night and Joe reassuring you that Murr missed you like crazy, you felt at ease. You trusted Murr very much. 

The night before the guys were coming home, Murr called you and told you approximately what time he'd be home. You had to work that day so you would get home after he would. You were so excited to see him. You couldn't fall asleep that night because you just wanted to see Murr. You had to be up early for work and it was already 1am. You were going through old pictures of you two together because after this month, you just wanted to hug and kiss him again. 

You fell asleep around 2am and you had to wake up at 6:30am so for the entire day you were running on 4 and a half hours of sleep. The entire day felt so long. An hour after lunchtime, your phone started to ring. You worked in an office building and you were able to sneak out to take calls easily. When you saw that it was Murr, you instantly grabbed your phone and ran outside. You loved the picture that came up when he called you. It was a picture of him kissing your cheek and you can tell you're both trying not to giggle. Although you were happy to see that he was calling you, you had no idea why. He wasn't supposed to get home for another hour. You answered his call.

"Hey James, what's up?"

"I'm on my way home now. We all got back to NYC earlier than expected. Joe's dropping me off. I just wanted to let you know. I miss you so much, I can't wait to see you!"

"You cheesy f***ing ferret," Joe mutters loud enough that you can hear him through the phone.

"I love you! I'm stuck at work for another couple hours, but I can't wait to see you either!" You say. You were a little upset that he got home early and there were still hours before you could go home. "Also tell Joe I say hi," you add. Murr must have had you on speaker because you heard Joe say, 

"Please take your ferret back. I'm done pet-sitting him for a while" while giggling. Murr chuckled a little bit. "I love you dearly Murr, but you just cannot stop talking about Y/n. It hasn't even been a month, I don't think any of us can tolerate another day of it. He really loves you," Joe said to you.  You were smiling and blushing a little bit. You knew Murr really cared about you because the guys would always say that he wouldn't stop talking to them about you.

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