Chapter 2

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I was on my way to the hospital walking to the hospital alone in the cold. My mom couldn't be here with me, because somebody has to pay the hospital bills for Emily.

As I entered the hospital, I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Fearing for the worst, I ran to the elevator and waited impatiently for it to arrive to Emily's floor. I quickened my pace when I heard voices talking in Emily's room.

There were doctors huddled over Emily's bed, whispering things to themselves. I saw Carl looking down sitting down on Frank's bed. I ran up to him and shook him with tears in my eyes. When he looked at me, my world stopped.

He had a sympathetic look on his face when he looked at me and I turned back to the doctors.

I pushed some of them out of my way and I saw Emily lying there, lifeless. I was being pulled away from her when I came to.

I struggled. She's not gone! She was fine yesterday! This is a nightmare! A sick and twisted nightmare.

They moved her bed out of the room and two male nurses were still trying to hold me down. They had to leave to help move Emily's bed, but just as I was going to go after her, two arms encircled around my waist.

"Shh, it's going to be alright." I heard Carl whisper in my ear as I gave up. The tears came out all at once, my body was shaking with my inaudible sobs as Carl tried to calm me down. I hugged Carl and buried my face in his chest.

After staying in that position for a few minutes, Carl led me to a chair that was by Frank's bed. My mom ran into the room 20 minutes later. She took one look at Emily's missing bed and collapsed on the floor. I ran to her and motioned for Carl to help me get her up to a chair. After setting her down on a chair, she sat there sobbing as I continued on with my own stream of tears.

I looked over to Carl and he was staring out the window, unsure of what he should do. He left after an hour.

I got up and took over his spot, staying there until the nurses told us we had to leave. My mom couldn't get up on her own, she fell in the nurses arms. They took her to another room to treat her for dehydration. Just as I was leaving the room, Carl almost ran into me.

"You're going to my house." Was all Carl said before dragging me out of the hospital and to his house. I was in a daze the whole time. Carl led me and made sure I didn't fall.

"Fiona, I'm having a friend sleep over!" He shouted when he opened the door. "Who? " A young lady that was really pretty, but obviously being  overworked, asked as she came out of their kitchen.

She stopped when she saw my tear stained face. "What's wrong? Why is she crying?"

"I'll tell you later, I'm going to get her some water. She's going to be sleeping with me." He said before leading me to their kitchen and handing me a water bottle. I drank some of it and gave it back to him.

"Drink more." He told me and put the water bottle back in my hand. I sighed and finished the water. "My room is upstairs." Carl said and helped me up the stairs.

He opened a door and there were two boys sitting on their beds smoking. Even though I was still sad about Emily, I will not hurt my body by inhaling their smoke. I shook Carl's arm and made a smoking sign. "You want to smoke?" Carl guessed before grabbing the red head's cigarette and giving it to me. I scrunched my nose up and backed away from it.

"You don't smoke?" Carl asked before taking a puff on the cigarette. I looked at him, disgusted that he'd ruining his body at such a young age. I covered my nose and backed out of the room. Carl sighed and turned to the older boys. "Put out your cigarettes, she doesn't like the smoke." He instructed them after putting out the cigarette that he was holding.

"Why is she here?" The oldest looking boy asked looking at me along with the red head. "Because I let her, now put out your cigarette." Carl told him in an intimidating voice.

"Fine." The boy gave in before putting the cigarette out on the floor. "Happy?"

Carl nodded and motioned for me to come back in the room. I walked in and stood behind Carl. "Ok, Elena this is Ian and Lip. Guys this is Elena. " He introduced. "Hey." Ian, the read head said. " Sup." Lip said.

I waved back at them. "Shy much?" Lip asked with a smirk. "She can't talk." Carl explained. "What do you mean she can't talk?" Lip questioned.

"As in she's mute, dumbass." Carl said rolling his eyes. "Move, we're going to sleep here. " Lip moved off of the bed and climbed up to the top bunk. "Come on, lay down. Go to sleep." Carl told me as he laid down on the bed.

I sat down on the bed, leaning my head on the post looking down at the messy floor. I heard Carl sigh, before he gently pulled me down to lay down next to him. I stayed there still fully clothed and with my shoes on, laying still and barely blinking. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" I heard Carl's voice ask behind me, I just shrugged my shoulders.

The next thing I know, I'm being turned around to face him. "You're crying again." Carl whispered as he touched the tears that rolled down my my cheek, I looked at him confused. I touched my cheek and I looked at my hand, it had my tears on it.

Carl hugged me closer to his chest as I started silently sobbing. I fell asleep clutching Carl's arm.


Hey peoplz! Emily's dead and Elena's mom is most likely depressed. But Carl's there for her, so she's not by herself. Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and follow me.


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