Chapter 9. Stone

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I walk into a big music building (I forgot what it's called😂) wearing jeans and a black shirt, leather jacket with black converse. I go to the top floor and walk to the desk "y/l/n for a Simon?" I see her look up and push her thighs together and says "yes go right in good loo- I mean mam" I smile and say a thank you and walk in with 5 familiar girls,my dad, and two other men guessing the Simon guy and their manager. The girls are confused as Simon says "girls meet you're bodyguard" I watch them get confused and excited. My dad left 10 minutes ago I'm just discussing some other arrangements the girls are just watching closely. After we are finished I say bye to the girls and the two men and walk towards the elevator.

6 guys get out as I get in two had tattoos on their necks and I look down and see a gun showing a bit I get in the elevator and close the doors and put a suppressor on the gun I had attached to my ankle. I put the earpiece to a few of my close friends who are apart of my team. I sigh and hear yelling to get down and some shots fired. "Aces have the cars ready" I tell my second.


Once the elevator dings open I roll out and shoot the first guy in the chest and the other in the head. One other man kicks the gun out of my hand and pulls out a knife I dodge the first from my chest the as he swings his arm short to try and cut me I kick the knife and block one hit from the left as he tries to kick me I duck and stand back up blocking the right. Then I kick him into the glass into the conference room onto the table breaking it while he is falling back I grab the gun from his side and shoot the other men as they drop.
I look at the first two girls that pop into my mind and ask if everyone's Okay. All I see are shocked faces as they look around the room at each other. Ill roll my eyes and say "well Simon my job started early so if you don't mind the girls and I are leaving I suggest you go to the main floor". As I walk out the girls quickly get up and follow me scared I grab my gun and suppressor. As we get into the elevator I take off the silencer and put it in my sock and the gun in the back of my pants.

I hear camila say "You just killed them all them without a care" I close my eyes for a second and nod and say "that's what happens when you loose turn numb." I walk out the elevator and tell them to get into the car feeling angry and sad. Then seeing my team roll up filled a little gap I guess it's good to be back.

ITS SHORT I KNOW I'M SORRY Next update tonight the story Is gonna get dark with Y/Ns past some questions are gonna be answered . Love you guys. Bye have a great day

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