Who's the new guy

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On the way to the bus stop to go to school Lance noticed hunk and pidge his two best friends already there.Now let me tell you about all his friends...

Hunk- round and huggable,loves to cook,has a thing for Shay,has brown eyes(don't get mad at me if any of this is wrong),loves the color yellow,17,and loves dogs

Pidge-short,younger than Lance and hunk by 3 year,14,has a brother,loves green,fav animal is a bird(I think),has a little crush on shiro,is a girl(that's what she calls herself anyways),likes the color green,and has yellowish eyes

Lance- blue eyes,loves sharks,17,loves the color blue,has to many siblings to count,Cuban,has a crush...but doesn't know yet,Bi,youngest out of his family

The rest I will tell you about the rest later when we get on with the story."Hey guys what's up",Lance says."Ugh,"pidge said looking like she was gonna puke."Did someone have to much candy last night,"Lance said."I'm just tiered Matt kept me up all night and now my mom won't let me stay home,"pidge said.Then the bus came and the all piled on."Guys did you hear shiro's adopted brother is finally going to school,"a random kid says to Lance."I know I'm shiro's best friend how would I not know,"Lance said."Look there he is,"random kid #2 screams.Shiro walks on the bus and sits beside Lance like always."Hey dude what's up,"Shiro says."Dude your brother is standing at the front of the bus clueless,"hunk says."oh right shiro wispers,"KEITH GET BACk HERE,"he shouts.Keith walks back there and sits across from shiro in an empty seat.

Shiro-lance's best friend,loves the color black,loves cats,eye color black,has a crush on allura,and has a brother named Keith

Matt-has a crush on shiro(that's all we know about him for now(

Keith-emo,likes the color red,has a crush on Lance, socially awkward,loves hippos

"The names Lance,"Lance sticking out his had expecting Keith to shake it,"Ok then."He pulls his hand back and pulls out his phone and gets on Snapchat to look at all his stories.Keith pulls out his phone and plugs his earbuds in and listens to music."Hey shiro does he have his schedule,"Lance asked."Yeah,"shiro said,"why do you ask?""I wanted to know what classes he was in,"Lance looked at shiro with puppy eyes."Fine I'll do it,"shiro said the tapped on Keith's shoulder and asked him for his schedule the handed it to Lance...

Keith's Schedule

Homeroom Mr.Orange
Science Mr.Blue
Math Mrs.green
Art Mrs.Red
Ela Mr.Black
S.s Mr.Yellow
Health Mrs.pink

Lance's schedule

Homeroom Mr.Orange
Science Mr.Blue
Math Mrs.Green
Gym Coach White
Ela Mr.black
S.s Mr.Yellow
Health Mrs.pink

"Hey look we got the same schedule except I didn't get art",Lance said practically shoving it in shiro's face."I get it your excited about meeting him and hanging out with him,"Shiro says pushing the schedule out of his face.Lance shrugged and gave Keith back his schedule.Keith saw a smile on Lance's face and takes his schedule.

--14 minutes later--

They all get off the bus and Lance and Keith head to the office.Lance was going there because Friday he got into a fight and Keith was going there cuz he is new.Lance asked him,"where were you for the last 2 years and why did you decide to go to school now?"Keith said nothing he didn't know if he could trust him.When Keith walked out of the office and saw Lance and shiro bickering."But I don't want to.....oh heeeeey keith,"Lance says in a weird way."hey...,"Keith says not looking at the Cuban boy(cuz he is blushing)Shiro nudges Keith and says,"Keith Lance is gonna show you around to day but I'm gonna take you to art."Keith looks up disappointed."It's cool if you don't want me to I'll just leave you here at the office all alone,"Lance says."No no it's good I just thought shiro was showing me around like he promised,"Keith says punching shiro in the arm."Woah calm down you will see him at lunch two,"Lance says.Keith glared at shiro when all the sudden the bell rang."Well it's time to get to class Lance says grabbing his backpack and dragging Keith away from shiro but Keith was struggling and trying to tackle shiro but Lance was strong enough to drag him all the was to homeroom."Welcome class,"Mr.Orange said,"This is Keith he is new."Keith looks at the ground and asked where he was soppose to sit and he got a spot next to Lance and his boyfriend Kaden."Hey I'm Kaden Lance's boyfriend,Kaden said."Hi...I'm..Keith,"Keith says a little upset about the fact Lance has a boyfriend.

--skip to lunch--

"Hey dude lemme see your phone," Lance says to Keith."Why",Keith says."I wanna give you my number just in case either of us miss a day and need to know what they missed,"Lance says with a smirk on his face.Keith hesitates but gives him his phone and Lance puts his number in and all the sudden Kaden sneaks up behind Lance and scares him which makes Lance almost drop Keith's phone in the water.Keith snacks his phone and checks to make sure it's ok."Hey babe,"Kaden says.Lance grabbed Kaden had and says,"for doing that you can not come over tonight.""Babe please I'm sorry,"Kaden says."Ugh fine you can come over,"Lance says then cupping Kaden face and kissing him."Eww guys there are children here,"pidge says as she sets her tray down."Yeah I wanted to eat,"Keith says pushing the lunch tray away from him."But guys I wanna kiss my boyfriend and so I'ma kiss my boyfriend,"Kaden says kissing Lance again."Yeah I can say that's fair,"Shiro says walking over to the tabe he holding hands with allura."Well it's fair for you cuz your already dating someone and you wanna make out with her,"pidge says pretending to throw up."Go kiss Keith if it makes you feel better pidge,"Lance says.Pidge slapped Lance and said,"I hate you."Hunk walks over and say,"you hate who?""me,"Lance says rubbing his face were pidge slapped him,"So we're is shay.?"Allura says,"she is sick she got a cold yesterday.""Awwww poor thing,"Kaden says."Like you care,"pidge​ says still pouting.Lane says,"He cares more than you do."Pidge and Lance start arguing and after a few minutes of them arguing everyone left the lunch room except for Kaden who was trying to get Lance to leave and was successful because Kaden had a way with words.Kaden and Lance walk down the hallway holding hands cuz they still had 15 more minutes till Ela.They were looking for the janitor closet.When they found it Kaden pushed Lance in(yes it hurt Lance)"Never threaten me in front of your friends,"Kaden says as Lance starts to cry."I.
.I'm so...sorry,"Lance says stuttering.Lance puts his hands behind his back and picks someone from his contacts not knowing who and called them."Hey Lance what do you....,"shiro says but then pauses when he hears"I want you to understand that I am going to your house and your not gonna stop me and you...,"Kaden says."I don't wanna be your boyfriend please leave me be,"Lance says.Kaden slaps him and then says,"you can't leave me you belong to me."All the sudden shiro knocks down the door and saw Lance crying and Kaden about to slap him again.Shiro pushes Kaden against the wall and yells,"YOU SAID YOU CHANGED AND I TRUSTED YOU AND HERE YOU ARE DOING IT AGAIN!!!"Shiro starts punching him in the face until he knocked him out.Keith walked in a few minutes before and started to check Lance.Keith demanded Lance take off his jacket and Lance did as he asked and then Keith pulled up Lance's shirt to see purple and yellow bruises."What did he do to you,"Keith asked.Lance looked at him with fear in his eyes,"I...I..don't...wanna talk...about it.""Is this is why he has been spending so much time at your house,"pidge said.Lance nodded his head.Shiro had tears rolling down his face."it's all my fault I shouldn't have let you give him a second chance,"Shiro said."It's not your fault,"Lance said standing up and giving shiro a hug.lance picks up his phone and says,"I think Im I'm just gonna go home."Lance walks out and heads for the exit.When he got home his mom was standing out side.When he got out of the truck she walked up to him and hugged him real tight."Shiro me llamó y me dijo Todo,"Lance's mom said.(that means shiro cald me and told me everything)"I'm sorry ma'am I just loved him and couldn't bare to lost him,"Lance said starting to cry again."It's ok but I have to go in to work papa will be home shortly,"she said.(I didn't wanna do it all spanish)"I will lock the doors and stay in my room and if Kaden comes over I will lock my room door and call the police,"Lance said.(he has been through this before."Good now goodbye my little guisante,"she said.

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