Chapter 14

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When they got to Kaden's house Keith kicked down the door and walked in.Shiro started busting down doors looking for Lance when all of the sudden they heard a scream.Keith and Shiro ran strait towards the sound of the scream.Keith busted down the door and he saw Lance tied to a chair with his shirt off and Kaden bent down beside him with a knife cutting Lance's skin and forcefully kissing him and making hickeys all over him while the blood drips everywhere.Keith kicked Kaden and kept punching him and wouldn't stop.Shiro cut the ropes and handed Lance to hunk and then dialed 911.When the police officers got there they had to pull Keith off of Kaden and by that time Kaden was barely alive and Lance had almost bled to death.When Shiro got home he told his mom what happened and that Keith was at the park trying to calm down.Keith was doodling hos feelings in his art book when all of the sudden Azul ran up to him.Keith realized that Lance's parents didn't know what happened and nobody told them that Lance was in the hospital so Keith followed Azul to Lance's house.Whrn he got there he saw Lance's parents laughing at Lance's two little brothers and his one little sister.Lances older sister and two brothers walked in and started to play with the younger siblings.Lanve had so many people who cared and they don't even know what happened.Keith looked down at Azul and started crying.He wiped away his tears and knocked on the door."Yes how may I help you,"Lance's mom said.Keith told her everything.He saw she was crying and Keith was trying so hard not to cry himself.She went and grabbed her keys and told everyone to get in the car and she would explain on the way."Hey sweety can you watch Azul for Lance he would appreciate it,"Lance's mom said."I will,"Keith said.They left and Keith desided that since they left the door open he would grab Azul's food and bowl then head home.When he got home he brought Azul in his room with red and put the food bowl down and filled it with food then filled up his water bowl.When he was done Keith passed out on his bed.

Will Lance be ok or not will Kaden come back who knows just keep reading and find out

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