Chapter 12

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Keith walks into the house.When he turned on the lites shiro was sleeping on the couch."Lance he's asleep you can come in,"Keith said opening the door more.Lance walks in and Keith leads him into his room so they don't wake up shiro."Well I better get home so I can feed blue,"Lance says hugging Keith.When he pulled away from the hug and was about to walk out Keith grabbed his hand and pulled him in and gave him a kiss."Thank you for everything,"Keith says while Lance walks out the door.Lance gets into the truck and starts driving home.When he got home Azul jumped on him as soon as he walked in the door."Did my little perrito,"Lance says hugging Azul.Azul barks then jumps off of him.Lance gets up and starts heating up a taco that his mom had made for supper.While his taco was cooking he got a can of dog food and put it in Azul's bowl.After he was done eating he went into his room and checked his phone.It was only 9:00 pm so he decided to text the group chat.

Paladínazul-Hola amigos

Pidgin-can you speak English please

Paladínazul-isn't it past your bed time

Pidgin-no but isn't it time for your mommy to sing you a bed time song

Paladínazul-what does that even mean

Pidgin-idk you just made my brain stop working

Paladínazul-isn't that physically impossible

Pidgin-idk anymore

Bigdaddyshiro-can y'all stop fighting



Bigdaddyshiro-fine then y'all are grounded

Hunker-what did I miss

BigmamaA-There fighting again

Bigdaddyshiro added kogan

Hunker-Makes sense

Paladínazul-so since I'm grounded does that mean I have to get off the phone

Bigdaddyshiro-no but I want you two to quit it or else

Pidgin-or else what

Bigdaddyshiro-i have some of your comic books at my house and I have a knife so

Kogan-hey that's my knife

Bigdaddyshiro-well I might have to borrow it

Pidgin-now I'm scared

BigmamaA-shiro I have to go but I love you and I'll text you tomorrow

BigdaddyShiro-bye love you 2

Pidgin-i have to go two

Paladínazul-bye pidge


Pidgin has left the conversation

BigmamaA has left the conversation

Honker-i gtg my mama wants me to get a good night sleep




Honker had left the conversation

Shay has left the conversation

BigdaddyShiro-so are we gonna talk about why y'all two where out all day

Kogan-What do you mean

Paladínazul-i was home all day...

BigdaddyShiro-I got home and heard y'all talking about a cat but just went to go take a shower

Kogan-well yes we went out

BigdaddyShiro-so does this make y'all official

Paladínazul-i mean if he wants to keep me all to himself I'll be ok with that


Paladínazul-no don't leave we do need to talk about this

Kogan-i know but idk if I'm ready and what about you and your last boyfriend who you broke up with not that long ago you loved him and yes I wanna be with you but do you really wanna be with me?


BigdaddyShiro left the conversation

Kogan-just text me when you have a answer

Kogan left the conversation

Paladínazul-i have a answer

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