Keith grabs Lance's hand before they start walking to Lance's house then there going to go to the movies."Lemme go tell my dad and grab some money and then we can go",Lance says letting go of Keith's hand and opening the door.Keith stood ok n the front porch of the large house feeling awkward because he was all alone.
--5 minutes later--
"Ok I'm back are you ready or do you wanna stop at your house first,"Lance asked."I'm ready,"Keith said,"so are we walking there?"Lance looked at him then walked over to the closed garage door and said,"no we are taking my beautiful girl."He opens the door and he points at the light blue Ram.(sorry if u don't like Rams it's just the only car brand I could think of)Keith laughed and walked over to the passenger side."Here let me get that,"Lance says running over to the door and opening it."Such a gentleman,"Keith says giggling.Lqnce closed the door and opened his door and hopped in and put the keys in.He started the car and drive to the movies."So what movie are we gonna go see,"Keith asked.Lance looked at him and said"IT."Keith tilted his head,"yeah what movie?"Lance stopped at a red light and said,"no the movie is called it and it's about a clown that kills kids."Keith lit up,"omq that sounds great."(omq means oh my quiznacks or however you spell it)"I know right,"Lance looked at him and smiled and then the light turned green so Lance started driving again.When they got there they saw.....
Hehe Cliff hanger and sorry this is late