Chapter 20

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(BTW chapter 19 was all about how Voltron was formed but this one is gonna be about what is now like after season 5)

Time has passed.

Hunk is still hunk but he did fall in love with a rock type alien.

Pidge found her brother Matt and her father.

Shirt was captured and was found and still pilots the black lion.

Keith was leader and piloted the black lion but left to join the blade of mamora then found out who his mom is but he still felt a emptyness inside of him.

Coran was his normal self.

Allura found out lotor is half altean and they had a bonding moment and she is piloting blue.

Zarkon is dead.

Lotor is the leader of all the galarian empire except for the rouge ones but lotor does help Voltron.

Lance has figured out that he has a sword and major depression and figured out shiro is not the same shiro he knew and he is piloting red.


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