You Argue- Roman and Seth

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Y/E/N = your enemy's name

Roman Reigns:
It was two hours until Christmas and Roman still hadn't come home. You wanted him to help you take the presents down for your daughter, Joelle but by the looks of things, you were doing it by yourself.

You was about to unlock the cupboard when you heard the voice of a tired little girl behind you. "Mommy. Where's Daddy? It's Christmas and he's not here," she said. You turned around and knelt in front of her. "I have no idea where he is, Jojo, he'll be here by the time you open your presents, now go to sleep or else Santa won't give you any," you told her before taking her back to her room.
You went and got the presents and put them under the tree. Your back was killing and you were so exhausted. You picked up your phone and called your husband. No answer so you left a voicemail "Ro, where the hell are you?! I just put all of our presents under the tree! We usually do this together! Just come home," this wasn't the first voicemail you left him. You had tried calling him a thousand times and he never answered. You were getting so worried.

It was about 3am and you just heard the door slam shut. You go downstairs and see a seriously drunk Roman.

"Roman!" You yell running over to help "Hi," he said trying to kiss you all you could smell was alcohol. "Roman, where have you been?" You asked taking him into the living room. "Was with Ambrose," he said plopping himself down on the sofa. "Till 3am?" You question. "It's not that late," he replied. "Yeh it is. It's Christmas for god sake!" You said, raising your voice "And? The presents are here aren't they?" He said not caring.
"Who do you think put em here, Ro?" You asked.
"You," he said
"By myself. And poor Joelle was worried sick about you! So was I! And do you even care?" You snapped.
"Only about Joelle. She- she hasn't been screaming at me," he said, hiccuping. "I'm going to bed. After Christmas, me and Joelle are going to my parents. If you're gonna be so stupid as to say this to me on Christmas then what's the point?" You yelled.
"Good. I- I can do better than you. You're stupid," he said before turning around on the sofa.

You stormed upstairs and saw Joelle at the top of the stairs and you picked her up and told her. "Do you wnna see grandma and grandpa later?" You asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "Will daddy come?" She asked.
"No. Daddy's going to stay home. He's been bad. Now go to bed, love," you told her before going to your room.

Seth Rollins:
Seth came up to you and wrapped his arms around you. He leaned down and kissed you on the lips. You kissed back with no hesitation.
He pulled away and said "I love you, ya know that?"
You nodded and replied "I love you too,"
"And I'm always gonna love you, no one else, you're mine," He said before kissing you again.

You thought of that memory as you stood there, listening to Seth and Y/E/N 'chatting'.

"You're gorgeous," he answered to her question of "Do you think I'm pretty?".
You gasped. You looked at the phone of Amber, your best friend in disbelief.
"Oh thank you... you know... you're quite sexy," she said wrapping her arms around his muscular ones. "Well, gorgeous when I win this match-" he looked around, checking no one was watching "have celebrate and have fun?" You gave the phone back to Amber

"I can't watch anymore! I'm going to have a go at him right now. And beat the sh*t out of that pathetic little whore!" You said, storming out of your locker room and marching to Seth's.

You opened the door and saw Seth with no shirt on on top of  Y/E/N in her bra and undies.

"YOU F*CKING PRICKS!!" You screamed. You picked up Y/E/N and threw her against the wall and begun kicking and punching her mercilessly. Seth tried to get you off but you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

You picked her up by your foot, preparing for your in-ring finisher, Y/N Attack, you hit it, making her fall completely unconscious.

You turned to Seth, anger beaming off of you. "Y/N I swear... nothing was happening!" Seth tried to lie.
"You're the worst liar ever Rollins. You were cheating!" You yelled. "Maybe you should satisfy me more then!" He yelled back. Was he just using you to get into your pants? "So-ryy if I'm not ready or a little slut like this piece of crap!" You yelled.
"Y/N!" He yelled. "You're being nasty now!"
"I'm being nasty?! I'm not the one cheating on you!" You yelled, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes.  "Y/N... I'm sorry..." he began as the tears began to roll down your cheeks. He tried to rub them away but you slapped his hand away. "No! You aren't!" You screamed. "Well at least stop crying!" He yelled. "People are gonna think I'm kinda a d*ck.." he went off.
"You know why? Cos you are one!"
"Just go away you pathetic b*tch! We're done! I don't need someone like you!"
That was it you slapped him round the face hard and stormed off to your foster dad, Kane who would gladly give Seth the ass whooping he deserves.

I know Romans was bad, should I do a part 2 after and don't worry next will be Dean and Enzo.


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