You Talk About Kids

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Roman Reigns:

You had called Roman upstairs to your bedroom to talk. You told him it was important so he was as fast as he could.

"What's up babe?" He questioned as he took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed. "I need to ask you something," you said nervously. "Sure, is everything okay?" He asked, concerned as to why you weren't your usual happy self. "Yeah, it's just... what's your opinion of being a dad?" You blurted out. "A dad? Well I guess it'd be pretty cool and it would bring us much closer together... why?" Roman replied. " you wanna have kids?" You mumbled, barely audibly. Barely. "Hell yeah! I've been wanting to talk to you about that.. are you up for it?" He asked. You nodded. "What are we waiting for then?" He chuckled.

Seth Rollins:

"Geez, Seth, what a mess!" You sighed as you saw all of the wrestling figurines laying on the ground. "Sorry babe, I got carried away I guess. Wanna play? You can be you and I'll be me and we can face umm... I have Kevin Owens and.." his eyes darted around the floor, looking for another female doll. "Heh, I only have you," he chuckled. "Well it can be me and you against Kevin and Hmm... The Miz," she chose. "Okay, get your figures," Seth replied. You nodded and picked up the doll version of you and The Miz. Seth got his. The two of you had a mini match with each other with Seth pinning The Miz. "Yay!" He cheered. "You're so childish," you chuckled. "Imagine actually having a child," he suggested. "I'd love it, as long as you're with me," you smiled cheerily. "Aww. I can't wait to have kids," he smiled. "Me neither, but we have our careers to think about. Wait a few more years," you replied before giving him a sweet peck on the cheek.

Dean Ambrose:

You and Dean were walking to the gym when you saw a little girl pushing her toy pram (dk what they say in the US) whilst her mother kept her hand on her back protectively. "Y/N L/N! Dean Ambrose!" She yelled excitedly running towards you two and leaving the pram which her mother had to hold to stop from rolling down the street. "Hey," You greeted. "Can I have a hug?" She asked. "Sure," you obliged as the two of you knelt down to give her a hug. "Can she have a picture?" Her mother asked. "Of course." Dean agreed this time. You two smiled and put your arms around her back as her mother took a picture.

The two of you continued your walk until you decided to break the silence. "I can't wait to have children of our own," you sighed. "I can, they're really difficult and they'll take up too much time," Dean pointed out. "But what about when we get married?" You questioned. "We're getting married are we?" Dean chuckled. "Well.. I mean.. I'd like it. I wanna start a family with you," you blushed. "So do I you, but not yet, I don't want kids yet but I do know that when I do, I want you to give them to me," he explained. "Thanks," you replied, unsure of what to say.

Randy Orton:

You and Randy have been wanting children for a long time now but you just felt your dad wouldn't want it so you never discussed it. Until you babysat Birdie whilst Brie and Bryan were out. You fell in love and wanted a child of your own so much more.

"Randy! Can I talk to you for a sec!?" You yelled up the stairs of your shared home. Randy ran down the stairs, pecking you on the lips before sitting down next to you. "I have a feeling I know what this is about," Randy said. "Children," you confirmed. Randy grinned. "Would you want them.. I do. We've been married for the past 2 years, why not?" Randy suggested. "I do want them. I want them a lot. And now. I'm ready," you declared. Randy looked at you shocked. "I- well- if that's what you want and I want it too then it's going to happen," Randy's genuine smile turned into a smirk. "Now. Let's go into the bedroom and have some children," he smirked.

Finn Bálor:

Finn's sister had recently had a baby and he knew he wanted one. He just wasn't sure if you wanted one too.

Finn was playing some sort of story video game and he was halfway through. There was a scene in which there was a happy couple and there child and he paused it. "You think that'll be us one day?" He asked. You looked at him shocked. "I'm hoping so," you admitted. "So am I, babe. When? I mean.. I'm gettin' pretty old.." Finn encouraged. "Whenever, I'm ready to start a family with you," you replied. "How does around now sound?" Finn smirked. You pressed your forehead to his and copied his expression. "Perfect,"

AJ Styles:

It was late at night and you had just fallen asleep when AJ woke you up by shaking you frantically. "What?" You asked tiredly. He just simply smirked. "No, AJ, I'm tired," you groaned. "Baby.. I don't want that. I'm practicing," he said. You look at him confused. "What do you mean 'practicing'? For what?" You asked. "For when we have a child, waking us up crying, we'll go in there and hold him or her and make them fall back to sleep," AJ explained. "A child?" You questioned. "Yeah. I mean, we are going to have children, right?" AJ asked, praying that you say yes. "I-I don't know... I mean, you already have children and I.. well I'm just not ready, sorry love," you smiled sympathetically. "O-oh..well in a few years maybe," he grinned. So did you before going back to sleep.

Sami Zayn:

You two had just done the do when a thought crossed your mind. "What if I get pregnant?" You ask. "Then we'll be the best parents ever," Sami smiled. "Do you want it?" You asked. "More than anything. I love you and I'm sure we're destined. I'd love it," Sami smiled. "So you want kids?" You make sure. "Yes! And I'm ready to be patient if you don't," Sami replied. "I do," you laughed. "Then let's hope you're pregnant," he smirked.

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