He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend

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Roman Reigns:  Roman had just lost his title to Seth Rollins. He cashed in his MITB contract and so  Roman's hand wasn't raised in victory, despite him being so close. He walked backstage, so depressed. "You okay, Ro?" you asked. "Yeah, I'm good.  A little sore, but I'll live," he replied, rubbing his head. "You can be honest with me, I'm your best friend, right?" You placed your hand on his shoulder. "Yeh. Can we go somewhere private?" He asked. You nodded.

He took you to his locker room where you sat down on the bench. "What's up, Ro?" You asked, concerned. "I lost. I was so close. Seth ruined everything, I freaking hate him!" Roman raised his voice. "Let it all out," You told him. "But that's not the reason I'm so depressed. It's you," Roman admitted, making you shocked. "Me? What'd I do?" You questioned. "Everything. You distract me, you're all I can think of in my matches, when you're down there at ringside in those outfits. Man. And you're encouragement. You're just one of the best women going," Roman confessed, making you 10x more shocked. "You like me? Why? I'm just your manager," you replied. "You're more than just that, princess," Roman stroked your hair. "What do ya say to being my girlfriend and going on  a date with me?" He asked. "I'd love it," Roman pulled away and winked. "Pick you up, 6pm tomorrow. Please don't dress fancy," Roman grinned

Seth Rollins: You and Seth have been hooking up a lot recently. Basically that night at the bar lead to one too many kisses and that lead to something else and then the two of you'd keep going back to each other.

"We need to stop this... if anyone finds out..." You went off as you put on your top. "But I like it. You like it! Why stop? No one's gonna find out," Seth reasoned. "I guess but you get a little rough, someone's gonna hear and walk in on us. Then we're screwed," you explained, zipping up your boots. "Yeh but still. We like it. Hell it's the thing that's made us closer," Seth still tried to encourage you to keep going. "And think. Would you really want none of what we just did ever again?" He questioned. "Thinking about it, no, but I know a way we can keep doing it and not be judged for getting caught," You suggested. "A relationship. I guess this is a better time than any. I like you. I know it may not seem like that but that's why I've always been mean to you. I love you and I knew you wouldn't want me so I guess that explains everything," Seth confessed. "Wow. Well why didn't you just tell me? I like you, even though you're cocky and arrogant, I feel the same," You answered. Seth grinned uncontrollably. "So relationship?" He asked. You nodded and kissed him quickly. "So I can say, I love you and it won't be weird," Seth said to himself as he tried to process what had just happened.

Dean Ambrose:  Okay so we all know Dean isn't afraid to do anything, and nothing changed when he asked you out. You and him had been friends for two years, even considering each other as best friends.  Roman left you with Dean whilst he went to get food. "You know you're so hot," Dean smirked. "Yeh, you say it often," You replied. "Be my girlfriend?" He asked out of the blue. "Okayyy," You agreed, not knowing what you got yourself into.

Enzo Amore: You had a somewhat double date with Cass and 'Mella later that night.

"Isn't it going to be weird going to a fancy resaurant, pretending to be a couple?" You asked. "Nah, nowts weird to me, G." Enzo replied, fixing hid neck tie. "But it's a double date. But it's really just Cass and Carmella are having a date with their friends tagging along," you explained. "I guess. Well would you like to be a couple?" He asked, wrapping his arms around you. "Umm, I wouldn't mind it," you blushed. "Then that's what we'll be. A couple," Enzo declared. "What?" You questioned, shocked. "Well if not being a couple will make you feel awkward, why not be one. What do ya say? Be my Gf?" Enzo asked. "O-Okay," You stuttered, not believing what just happened.

Randy Orton:   You and Randy have been hanging around with each other a lot which made your father very angry. This was in 2004 in which you had been friends for 2 years.

"Hey, Y/N I need to tell you something," Randy said as the two of you sat down in catering. "Yeah, sure, go ahead," You smiled. "No, Y/N you need to stop talking to him, he's bad news and he's only using you to get to me and Kane," Your dad interrupted. "No, he's a good guy and he's my friend," you shot back, shocking your father as you rarely disobeyed him. "He's not your friend, come on," Undertaker said, grabbing your hand. "No, she doesn't have to go with you if she doesn't want to," Randy butted in, grabbing your waist. "Get off her," The Undertaker demanded, glaring harshly at Randy. "He doesn't have to, he's basically hugging me and I like his hugs," you replied for Randy who had leaned his head on your shoulder to make it look even more like a hug. "Fine then, don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart, kid," your dad said before leaving. "Thanks for protecting me there," you told him. "What was it you wanted to tell me?" Randy took a deep breath and began feeling really nervous. "Well... I like you.. like really like you, like really really really like you. I have for a while, you're so beautiful and strong and I loved the way you stood up to your father like that, not many people are brave like you, and I love that about you," Randy admitted, face red as a rose. "I feel the same way," you told him. "You're not gonna leave me are you?" you asked. He shook his head. "Never," he replied before kissing you passionately. "So what'd ya say to being my girlfriend?" Randy asked, still a little nervous. "Sounds awesome," you grinned. "Good. Now I've got the belt and the girl of my dreams," Randy kissed your forehead and you pulled away since you were in a public place.

Finn Bálor: You sat proudly in Finn's locker room, with your title on your shoulder. "Well done, lass. You really deserve it," Finn said, snapping you from your thoughts. "Sorry about earlier. I didn't- well I did, I mean I really like you- but you kissed me- do you like me? In that way?" Finn asked. "Yeh. You're THE best man on the roster! You could beat Brock Lesnar if wanted to. And you're cute too," you replied. "So, umm, we both have feelings for each other, do we just like be a couple now, continue being best friends? What? Cos I'd like you to be my girlfriend," Finn said. "I'd like you to be my boyfriend," you replied. "So we're a couple?" He asked. "Yeh," you replied as he pumped his arm.

AJ Styles: You woke up the morning after yours and and AJ's first kiss in AJ's bed. "God my head is killing me," you groaned. "Hungover, right?" AJ chuckled. "Ya. What happened last night?" You whispered. "Not much, we kissed and you declared I was yours and you almost got into a fight," AJ explained. "Oh. Can you get me some water?" You requested. "Sure," AJ got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

'We kissed? Are we a couple now or something?' You questioned. AJ came back in with a glass of ice cold water. "So are we dating now?" You blurted out. "Not really," AJ replied. "Can we? You're mine, right?" You chuckled before drinking water. "If you want. I wouldn't mind it, I mean you're hot and people say we act like we're in a relationship all the time anyway," AJ replied. "Kiss me then," you demanded. AJ chuckled and leaned over to you and kissed you. "It feels more real than the one last night," he pointed out.

Sami Zayn: You and him were in his apartment in Montreal as a storm raged outside. You didn't like storms and so kept as close to Sami as possible.

The last episode of Stranger Things (WATCH THAT IT IS AWESOME) had finished and thunder made a huge boom, startling you in Sami's arms. "It's alright, it's just a storm, it'll pass," Sami said, comfortingly rubbing your back. "I'm not scared of the storms, I just get startled easily and I'm scared the lightning will hit me or my house," You explained. "Well, what else do you wanna watch to keep your mind off the storm?" Sami asked. "Nothing," you replied "Well what do you wanna do? I'm okay with anything," you thought for a moment. "Hmm... stay as we are and listen to music," you replied. Sami was laid down on the sofa and so were you and he had his arm wrapped around you. "Okay," Sami put music on his phone. "Are you tired?" He asked. "A little now that you mention it," you replied. You turned around to face him, "I have a feeling if a random guy just walked in, they would think we're a couple," you said, causing him to chuckle. "We could be you know," Sami suggested."I guess," you replied. "Yeh, why not?" Sami asked. "Well neither of us have asked," you answered. "Well then, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Sami asked. You replied with a small kiss to his jaw. "So that's a yes?" he questioned You nodded as Sami pulled you in for another kiss on the lips

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