You Argue- Dean & Enzo

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Dean Ambrose:
You were walking down the hall on your phone, talking to your dad and you weren't paying attention to where you were going and you crashed into your boyfriends old brother and current scumbag, Seth Rollins.

"Oh.. sorry..." you said looking at the floor, embarrassed. "No worries, Y/N. You alright, you almost fell?" Seth asked.
"Huh... oh yeh, I-I'm fine... it's just I should've been looking where I was going..." you went off. "Hey, like I said no worries," he said.

Was it just you or was he really close to you. You could smell his strong deodorant. You were blushing madly, but why? You were dating Dean, yet getting so attracted to his two-toned enemy.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Said a familiar voice. "The hell ya doin with my girl?!" Dean yelled. Seth took a large step back, as did you. Dean was about to punch him but like always Seth ran off like a coward.

"What were you doing?!" He yelled at you. "Well, we just crashed into each other and-"
"And HE WAS TRYING TO KISS YOU!" He snapped.
"And you just sat there like a sitting duck, Y/N how can you be so stupid!?"
"I-I-" you stammered, but Dean cut you off.
"NO! Just don't even try Y/N, l'll think about this, don't EVER talk to him again,"
"I'm sorry... Dean please... I swear... I'll do anything just forgive me," you begged.
"Come on," he said dragging you off to God knows where.

Enzo Amore:

"Hey, G," Enzo said wrapping his arms around you as he climbed into bed. "Hey Zo," you said, giving him a peck on the lips.

He pulled you back in and you kissed back. He licked your lip requesting entrance which you would gladly accept. His hand sneaks down your back and squeezes your ass, you didn't pull away though. Not until he put his hands down your pants and went all the way round.

"Enzo..." you began.
"What?" He asked, sounding innocent and offended.
"I can't," you told him.
"It's that time Zo," you answered sounding awkward.
"Ohhhh... so that's your excuse this time," he snapped. "You said the same think a week ago!"
"Well last time I lied... this time I'm honest, I swear!" You said, trying to calm him down by putting your hands on his shoulder. "Don't lie to me Y/N,"  he said getting angry. "I'm not lying!" You yelled, not loud enough for anyone else but him to hear though, unlike how he was doing. "You aren't now but you did!" He yelled again. "You lied last week! 'Cause you didn't want me! I wouldn't be surprised if you say the same thing next week," he was quieter.
"Zo... please I'm sorry I just wasn't feeling it. This time it's because of that time of the month," you begged.
"I'll sleep in the guest room, we'll talk tomorrow," he said before sliding out of bed and going to the guest room, leaving you alone to think

Next is Randy, Finn and AJ!

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