Chapter Twelve

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"You know what we need to do?" Lizzie said to Gordo and Miranda. "Talk. Like we used to."

Gordo smiled, liking the idea.

"Here?" Miranda asked.

"How about my parent's house. Where we used to talk all the time? We can lay on the grass, admire the sky and catch up."

Gordo looked to Miranda. "What do you think?" he asked her. "You want to talk like old times?"

"Sure. I'll follow you guys there. You two probably arrived here together anyway right?" said Miranda.

Gordo did not like the tone of her voice. It made him feel like he had done something wrong.

"Come on Gordo, let's go." Lizzie tugged his arm. He'd been staring at Miranda, but when she left, he ended up staring at nothing.

Lizzie drove Gordo to the McGuire's house, thinking they arrived before Miranda. But when Gordo took a peek out of the back door, Miranda was already there, lying on the grass. She looked up at the bright, blue sky with arms around her head. While Lizzie talked to her parents a bit, Gordo lay next to her first.

"Feels weird huh?" He looked at her. "Being here."

Miranda continued to stare up at the sky. "Sort of," she commented.

It became silent for a moment. Then she turned her head, brushing it across the grass. "It's weird seeing you."

"Am I supposed to take offense to that?" He caught her eye, smirking.

"No. It's weird because when I look at you, it feels like I never left." She went back to looking at the sky.

Gordo kept his eyes on her, sitting in what she said. It felt like she never left to him too. He felt the comfort in talking to her again. That guy wrenching feeling that used to sit in his stomach had finally disappeared. Things felt right again. The trio was back together.

"Um Gordo?" Miranda spoke in almost a whisper. Gordo could sense some nervousness in her voice and when she turned her head again, his eyes still fixed on her.

"I think I might still like-" Miranda didn't finish, leaving Gordo like he was standing on the edge of a cliff. "Never mind," she said, shaking her head. Miranda jerked her head in the opposite direction.

Lizzie came out the back door right at that moment, joining Gordo and Miranda on the grass.

"So what are we talking about?" she asked, speaking about the two, as she lay next to her boy friend.

"How weird it is for the three of us to be here again. Reminds me of middle school," Gordo told her. "And how it feels like Miranda never left us at all."

Lizzie peered over Gordo to smile at her best friend. "Yeah, it does feel you never left. So what should we talk about now?"

"How about what the heck you two have been up to the past four years?" Miranda suggested.

Gordo eyed Miranda. "Missing you," he said.

"Besides that," said Miranda with the classic eye roll she used to always give Gordo.

He grinned at her, admiring her dark brown eyes and her new hairstyle. Everything that happened in the last few days was such a blur, he didn't get a proper look at Miranda. She was so grown up and older since he last saw her at the age of fourteen. She was nineteen now-a young women. She still had her wit, but she was also more mature.

"Gordo chose to take classes here in Hillridge instead of NYU so he could be closer to me," Lizzie said.

Miranda opened her eyes wide. "You gave up your dream college? For love?"

"Love can make you do crazy things," Gordo said.

Miranda rolled her head to the side. "Tell me about it," she muttered.

"What Miranda?" Lizzie said.

"Nothing. So what else happened around here?"

"Matt broke up with Melina and he was pretty bummed. Kate and I moved into our own apartment-"

"No way?" Miranda gasped, lifting her body up on the grass.

"Yup. She's not as bad as you think," Lizzie said.

"So I missed a lot huh?" Said Miranda.

All three of them sighed.

"Whatever," Gordo said, sliding his hand to Miranda's hand, squeezing it. "Forget about everything that happened before. No need to dwell on the past. Right Lizzie?"

He turned to Lizzie, letting go of Miranda's hand. Lizzie grinned and he leaned and gave her a kiss. Gordo heard some shuffling and when he looked back at Miranda, she was gone and halfway down the McGuire's hallway. She must have ran, Gordo thought.

"What is it?" Lizzie said, noticing Gordo's furrowed brows.

"Miranda left."

"Left?" Lizzie sat up. "Why?"

Gordo shrugged. "I don't know. But she ran off."

"I don't think she's okay Gordo. Is there anything else she told you?"

"Daniella mentioned about a break bad breakup she had, but she can't still be upset about that."

Lizzie sighed. "Then what could it be?"

Gordo started to stand up. "I think I might know. Let me go find her." He ran to the back door.

"Wait Gordo! Why can't I come?" Lizzie called.

"Just wait here, let me find her!" he called back, already in the house.

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