Chapter Thirteen

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Gordo left the McGuire's in a hurry by foot since Lizzie drove them to the Digital Bean and her house. Before he went to look for Miranda, he grabbed his video camera from his apartment. Then he searched the Digital Bean, Hillridge park, the library, but she wasn't at any of those places. Gordo pulled out his cell phone to call the Sanchez's apartment, but Daniella said Miranda wasn't home. She wasn't concerned though, when he told her what happened.

"Gordo, Miranda's overwhelmed about everything, but I'm sure if you keep searching you'll find her. She can't be too far," said Daniella.

Gordo followed her instructions and kept searching for Miranda. He walked around Hillridge, then smacked his head. He was so dumb for not thinking of it before. The Sanchez's old house, the one Miranda lived in for almost her whole life, wasn't currently occupied by anyone. He ran down the sidewalk till he reached the house. Gordo looked around for anybody watching him, then when it was clear, he opened the gate and went to the back yard. He saw Miranda, sitting under a medium sized oak tree. She picked at the grass, sprinkling blades on her legs.

"You know, even though this was your old house, you're still trespassing," Gordo half teased, but was also serious as he moved closer. Startled, Miranda looked up for a second, but then avoided his eyes.

"Can we talk?" Gordo asked, now standing right in front of her.

"No," Miranda mumbled. He crouched to the ground, sitting next to her under the tree.

"This was the tree where you gave me my nickname, remember?" Gordo pointed out. She looked off to the side. "We were seven and you heard the word Gordo and despite knowing it meant 'fat' in Spanish, you decided to call me that."

Miranda barley smiled. "You never seemed like a David to me. I hated calling you that."

"And now I can't see myself being called anything but Gordo."

They laughed, but then it grew silent, both knowing what needed to be addressed.

"Thanks for what you wrote in my journal," Miranda changed the subject. "You really meant it?"

"Of course. Those were truly ten things I missed when you were gone."

Miranda just nodded silently, then started picking at the grass again. Gordo watched her as she yanked clumps of blades aggressively, before letting them slip from her fingers and into the air. Her mood wasn't any different than he'd ever seen her in before; she was being typical Miranda, going silent when something had to be talked about. But still, Gordo didn't like seeing her that way.

"So you never told me why you came back. You only told me why you left," Gordo mentioned, picking blades of grass himself.

Miranda continued picking at the grass, but she talked while doing so. "I came back because of you," she told him. Gordo perked up.

"When I left, I was siting on something. I was siting on my crush on you. Leaving made it worse. I kept imagining you with Lizzie, holding hands, going on dates, kissing and have having fun without me. But I also thought of you and why I liked you in the first place and I just had to come back. I had to, in case by some chance you two didn't end up being a couple."

Gordo let everything sink in. "So you're still not over me?" he asked, though he already knew her answer.

"Gordo, I support you and Lizzie one hundred percent but..."


"I think I still like you," Miranda confessed. "No scratch that. I know I still like you."

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