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Welcome to my cglre book. I am a switch with a wonderful babyboy💙. Honestly age regressing has helped me with the stress and worry of the world. I don't really put stuff like this online because I've been afraid I guess. But now I realize that yes, I might get hate. Will I like it? No. Will it be the end of the world. No. Because this book is for pure happiness not only to express myself but even help others and meet little friends. I want this to be a safe place for everyone. For that sake. If you DO NOT like cglre please do not comment mean things or harass others. Just exit out and move on.Anyways you might want to know a "little" (haha...get it.....Okay I'll stop😝) about me. So here you go!

 So here you go!                            ~~~~

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1. Kris and my little age is 2-7(usually around 3 or 5 though)

2. hm..I would have to say...Tiana. Because she is strong and independent. She follows her dreams and plus she can cook really good.

3. The little gear I like the most would have to be my paci(s) or my cute cups. I can't decide😣

4. Chicken Little hands down.

5. Grilled Cheese😋

6. I don't do pet play very often. But I alternate between puppy and kitten. (Even though I only have cat ears)

7. My tail. It was originally for Halloween but maybe I will get a better one.

8. I do not have one

9. My favorite nicknames are kitten, pumpkin, sweetheart, babyboy/girl, and prince/princess. Oh and little one.

10. A stuffed penguin named Pongo that my bf got me for Valentine's day

That was all the questions. I don't own any of these pictures unless I say otherwise. I might do a bigger one soon though. Now, imma go watch some cartoons. Kisses😘

Word count: 323

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