🌵Make things fun🌵

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If your little dreads doing chores (like me T^T) then try to make them more fun.


Requirememts: lots of bath toys or candy

For every dish they wash, they get a bath toy in the tub during bath time or a piece of candy. Make sure to keep count.


Shoot baskets into the laundry bin or washer. Or make a rainbow out of the laundry when done.


okay okay. If you've seen ratatouille.You'll know where this is from. So, set your little on your shoulders and let them control the way you sweep/mop by using two strands of your hair to direct. If that's not possible. You could give them a fake remote. Literally this idea came from 3 in the morning me so....yEA.

If need be. Every room they help clean. For example, lets say, the bathroom, bedroom and their personal little room if they have one. Gets them 10 extra bedtime minutes. In this case, 30.


Sorry this was short. Please dont be mad at me. I wanted to put in a little filler. Because i am working on the next chapter which isssss


It was about time i did it. *giggles*

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