😒Underage littles problems😒

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I had to make a chapter about this. Being a underage little can be hard as shit. From hiding gear to not going into little space.
But I did think up some solutions/excuses that could help

1. Storage
You could put your gear in a box and hide it under your bed or in the back of your closet.Have a old bookbag or purse? You can use that too. And noone will know. Just make sure it's in the back!

2. Paci's
Paci's can be actually over whelming if you are buying them in person. My first time buying a pacifier I actually went with my little friend. It helped my nerves a bit. But still. Honestly the best way to do this is just go and buy it! You'll be happy in the long run and if the cashier ask then just say it's for your little sibling. Hide it in your pocket on the way home if your parents will be curios what you bought.

3. Sippies
You can do the same with sippies but they can be harder to hide. It might help to get a water bottle that has a rubber nib and can go everywhere with. No questions asked. I'll talk more about this in another chapter.

4. Little space
One of the worst things is going into little space at the worst time. During school? Work? Out with family or friends that don't know. It can be a bad experience. My Daddy gave a little advice. He told me to think about mature stuff. Since I'm a switch I usually think about babysitting and school work. Not to the point where it stresses me but just enough that I can snap out. And if I can't......well I might as well check out the Disney Store :)

5. Clothes
This is also a really tricky one. I haven't seen parents that got their children clothes (12 and under type clothing) for them. If you are the age that you have your own money. (And maybe a bit of privacy) you can totally get some little clothes offline as well. If not, hang in there! It can be a bit frustrating. But at stores such as five and below they have teen princess shirts and lots of cute clothes that can cover your little side

💐I hope this helped my fellow underage littles. And I know things can get rough. If you ever need someone to talk to you can always pm me and we can be friends! Also I am going to be fixing my book cover so yeah<3

Word Count: 440

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