🐼My stuffies🐼

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People had wanted me to show my stuffies....AND i never got around to that😌. But today I am! This is just SOME of my stuffies. The ones i love the most.

 The ones i love the most

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SIMBA. This was given to me by one of my close friends after the lion king musical at our school. It plays the tune of "The circle of life".

 It plays the tune of "The circle of life"

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This is my stuffie Amber jr. It's this family line between my stuffies and my friends so yeah.

 It's this family line between my stuffies and my friends so yeah

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This is Unicornio. She was given to me by my best friend as a valentines day gift. Her horn, inside her ears and the bottom of her hooves are sparkly.

 Her horn, inside her ears and the bottom of her hooves are sparkly

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This is Leona. I've had her since 5th grade. (4 or 5 years now). My best friend got me her for christmas. Leona has gotten me through ALOT.

The stuffie on the left is luna (or mr

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The stuffie on the left is luna (or mr.midnight. i'm sorry, i love fran bow). And the one on the right is sherbert. I don't remember when i got luna but i got sherbert for my birthday (not the recent one). They have a bandaid on because i was playing doctor and i forgot to take it off😂. Luna has a silver little bow and actually has flecks of purple as well.

 Luna has a silver little bow and actually has flecks of purple as well

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I've actually had this stuffie for AWHILE. But never named her. If you guys have any name ideas. Let me know :) i was thinking Lanie or Sammy.

 Let me know :) i was thinking Lanie or Sammy

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This is my favorite stuffie. My bf got it for me for valentines day. His beak is a little messed up but that's okay. His eyes remind me of his too😍. This stuffie has helped alot during the summer. His name is Pongo (fancy name is William)

And that's it! I may do a part 2 but the rest of my stuffies are in storage along with my sippie cup and paci's. And my shopkins coloring book. It makes me really sad but it's okay! 💕

Word count: 328

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