🌞my day in little space🌞

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When i wake up, im usually surrounded by stuffies and engulfed in blankets. The rest of the morning or day is to little space. Instead of getting myself together, i like to color or draw on my body (with non toxic markers and i end up washing it off). I grab my paci from my little space box and Then I'll go to the bathroom, do what i got to do. Now for the fun part! I first put my hair in a cute hairstyle. Like pigtails. Then I'll wear some little space clothing. For example, some cute overalls and a crop top or my fishnet skirt and pink tank top. Of course afterwards daddy makes me make up my bed (which takes foreverrrrr) and line up my stuffies.

Then I'll go through my jewelry and pile it on me like there's no tomorrow because princesses/ princes need their jewels✨✨

I don't really do make up in little space (at least not on me, Sometimes my stuffies though hehe)
But if i do, then it's just blush, mascara (unless i get too scared because i don't wanna poke myself! ;-;)
little black hearts under my eyes and lip gloss.

After that i set out all my toys and just play for the time being. I love playing with my stuffies or Or I'll watch my cartoons or YouTube (usually others in little space or toy reviews). I really enjoy having dance parties in little space too!

After all this im pretty hungry so I'll make myself lunch! The ideal lunch is an entree, side and snack. Like nuggets, some strawberries and a cookie (i don't eat much during lunch or breakfast). While i eat i text my cg or call them and everythings all nice and peaceful. After i talk to them for an hour or two I'll take a nap and then wake up around 4!

So that's basically my little day! Let me know if you guys want a little space night routine or a little q&a. Would you also like to see some pics of me in little space?

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