💞Being Yourself💞

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As school has started, shit has HAPPENED. Not getting personal. Just being general.

I think alot of people say they'll change and when school comes around. Old mannerisms come back

The thing is, you can't change in one place and not in the others. You have to commit fully.

Just speaking

-keep your head up
-meet new people
-try something new
-take care of yourselves
-be little/dom when you want to
-don't let anyone press you about anything
-be yourself

I can't stress these things enough. It's sad to see people i don't even talk to. Trying to change for another group. That shit is whack. Always has and always will be. I hope everyone is doing good so far this year. I wish y'all the best

Mini updates-

1. I lost 5 pounds

2. I have a bf

here is the cutie💘💘my little sub

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here is the cutie💘💘my little sub

3. School has me stressing i have a bad grade shIT

4. I dyed my hair. It's an ombre. Dark brown to a cajun spice :)

5. I have more friends :))

6. I had some super expired soy sauce. DIDNT GET SICK.

7. ex is moving i think

8. Theatre is awesome

Question: should my friend and i start a podcast? And should i start a separate youtube channel? If so, what would you guys like to see?

My stance in cglre- im mostly dom now. Like, 80% now. I think cuz i don't have a dom, that being little has slipped me. But i think this will allow me to connect with doms more :). HEY FELLOW DOMS. Also, as far as my relationship. Yes, we have dated before. He's one of my exes. Also, he's not a little. But is extremely sub. He does call me mommy and like lots of attention though💘💘💘

NEXT CHAPTER: Being little in school (freaking finally)

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