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To the ships: what is the cutest moment you've had together?

Percy: When Annabeth an I didn't sleep together in the stables.

Annabeth: I like how you emphasis on didn't. I would also like to add when we walked around Rome together.

Percy: oh yeah. That was fun.

Jason: Anytime Piper I around me, counts as cute

Piper: Aww, thanks Sparky.

Leo: Jason, you're about as cute as Scion's toes.

Jason: Leo I swear I will rip you limb from-

Frank: okay, before you guys kill each other, my favorite moment was when Hazel first kissed me.

Hazel: Aww, Frank. I was going to say the same thing. 

Leo: My favorite moment with Calypso was whne-

Everyone: WHAT??!!

Leo: I mean whhhaatttt?! *nervous laughter*

Calypso: did you seriously just blow that Leo?

Leo: Abort mission!

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