Some Backroad

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Daryl looked as ease as he drove his rusty blue pick up down the long winding gravel road.

Windows open, letting in the summer warmth as the air conditioner worked overtime. Hanging your arm out the window, you lean back in your seat as you watch him drive.

Your eyes tracing over his sculpted face and perfectly tanned skin, his eyes with the boldest of blue. His arms as they flexed as he held onto the steering wheel. And beginning to feel that butterfly fluttering in your chest, something you stared feeling around him a couple of months ago.

The radio plays on low, filling the truck with the sounds of some old rock group.

Daryl picked you up after your last class of the day, same time he got off work, and just drove. Not telling you the destination or if he even had one.

Daryl did this some times, taking you out for long drives. Sometimes none of you said a single word, and you knew on those days he just needed to be with someone... Even if he wouldn't admit it. Some days they were adventures you both would always remember.

Best friends from the time you moved into the town at the age of ten, while Daryl was twelve. Always with each other; inseparable it seemed.

You knew early on what his home life was like and you wanted him to have an escape. To know that anytime he needed to get away you would be there. It was something that always stayed with Daryl, the odd feeling of having someone care like that for him.

Daryl looks over at you, by now you were facing out the window. Watching the scenery fly by. Your hand in your hair, the messy curls blowing in the wind. A small smile painted on your lips that he noticed first.

He looks at you with new eyes, feeling that fluttering and unnerving tingle in his stomach he started getting around you months ago.

Shaking his head, he turns his attention back to the road in front of him.

Daryl catches out of the side of his eye, your hand reaching out and turning up the radio as a new song begins. A country song this time, and one he hadn't heard before. But one you knew as you began to hum along to it.

It distracts him, as your soft humming turns to singing. Looking over at you, he locks eyes with you. And the lyrics you sing, suddenly feel as though you're singing them about him.

The feel of the old truck quickly changes as the atmosphere suddenly feels heavier and suffocating. Turning away first, you pull your bottom lip in between your teeth as an effort to stop the growing smile.

Daryl turns away, and leans his elbow against the window and rests his fingers over his lips coolly as he tries go play it off like nothing happened.

Another twenty minutes fly by as the sun begins to set behind you, watching the colors blend in the rearview mirror.

Slowly the truck comes to a stop in the middle of a vast green field.

Neither one of you get out of the truck, just continue to sit there as the engine turns off taking the radio with it.

Hesitantly, you turn to look over at Daryl. And are surprised to find him already looking at you.

His eyes speak before his lips move, words you somehow understand without having to hear them.

Smiling shyly, you say things along the same line with your eyes. And Daryl picks up on them.

Opening up your door, Daryl gets out the same time you do.

Walking around, you both sit in the bed of his truck. Staring up at the blanket of stars above you, twinkles of light against a blackness.

Elbows touching as thighs faintly press against each other. And soon the pull in both of you becomes to great and you lean your head on Daryl's shoulder. Right as his left hand intwines in your right.

You don't know how much time passes by, and you feel as though you could spend a lifetime sitting just like that with your favorite person.

Daryl knows he needs to get you back home, as time begins to get away from the two of you. But feeling your head resting against him and your warm hand in his, he feels as though he could do this for the rest of his life.

Getting up, your hands break apart as you move to get in the truck. But like magnets finding their match, they reconnect when you get back in.

Starting up the truck, the running of the air conditioner is the only sound as neither one of you turns on the radio.

Driving back down-- the now dark-- gravel road, it's like a whole different drive. Not anything like the one you took hours ago, something shifted along the way.

Daryl doesn't need to look over at you to know that you're smiling that same sweet smile he secretly adores.

And you don't have to look over to know that he's relaxed. Maybe it's because you can feel it in the way he holds your hand, or perhaps in the way you are completely calm and knows he had to be as well.

Feelings spoken in wordless whispers and emotions felt in a comforting silence. You and Daryl shared your truths, and your well kept personal feelings.

Secrets uncovered along some long winding backroad.

A/N: This one is kind of short, and hopefully not too all over the place!

Pre Apocalypse Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now