Second Chance

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The little boy sits on the carpet in the living room while playing with a train set his father bought him, completely unaware of what the day was going to hold.

"Ye nervous?" Daryl's hand glides over the small of your back as you stand in the kitchen, watching your boy play while getting some snacks together.

"Yes." You reply to your husband honestly.

"If he steps over a line, I'll kick 'im out." Daryl says, and you nod.

Growing up, Daryl's brother was all he had. Of course, his brother was never truly there for him but he was the only blood that cared a tiny bit for Daryl. Merle has made comments, as he did all his life, but he made comments about Daryl asking you to marry him. Calling him names you couldn't repeat, bashing both him and you, even though he thought he was being funny. That was the last straw for Daryl, when he started to talk badly about you, he cut him out.

You felt guilty. Merle was Daryl's brother, Daryl-- no matter what Merle did-- still cares for him. But Merle at the time was a toxic relationship for not only you but for Daryl as well. And when you got pregnant, shorty after getting married, you knew you couldn't have him in your lives then.

Now, as your son was turning the age of five, you wondered if it was time to let Merle back in. Let Daryl's brother back into your lives.

"Do you blame me?" You ask, turning and leaning back against the counter.

Daryl shakes his head, his blue eyes looking at you with reassurance. "No, don't blame ye for not'in."

Nodding, Daryl brings you in for a gentle hug before joining his son in the front room.

You love watching the way he interacts with him, a happiness that overwhelms that redneck. Your son is the spitting image of Daryl, and Daryl is the greatest father you could ever picture.

The ring of the doorbell shakes you from your thoughts, and Daryl gets up and moves to the door.

"Who's here mama?" Your son asks, looking up from the green train he was moving across the carpet.

"Your uncle baby." You smile warmly at him, and move out of the kitchen.


"Your daddy's brother," You tell him, and pick the boy up in your arms. "Your uncle."

Daryl opens the door and there on the porch is the man you hadn't seen in years. You don't make out their greetings to each other, you're too busy studying Merle.

He looks the same as he did years ago, yet... Different.

Daryl lets him in and Merle's eyes find yours.

"Hey there buttercup." That same gravely rough voice you had heard many years ago, that sharp accent that follows in his words.

"Merle." You greet with a nod, and Daryl shuts the front door.

"Thanks for lettin ol Merle come by." He says and you wonder as he stands there if he feels any sense of nervousness. That, and if he's had alcohol or drugs today.

You nod, for you can't really find words to say otherwise.

"Ye walking on some thin ice man, jus a warnin." Daryl says and you're glad he's not becoming blind by his brother. He could become that way in the past.

Merle nods, "Ain't gonna pull no bull shi--" He pauses as he looks to the small boy looking at the man curiously. You're surprised with how so far he has kept his language under control.

Setting your son down on the ground, fixing his red shirt that had rumpled up in the back, he walks over to the man standing beside his father.

Your young son looks up at the odd man, the person who hovers over him like a giant. A man he's never seen before.

Merle looks down at the boy, and your question is answered. For you see nerves sketched across Merle's face.

Merle slowly bends down until he's at eye level with the boy.

"You my uncle?" Your son asks and his little voice sounds booming in the tense silence.

Merle nods, "You betcha."

Your son's tiny hand reaches out and touches Merle's jaw that is coated with salt and pepper scruff. Feeling the prickles underneath his small fingers. Slowly, as your boy studies the man who is his newly discovered uncle, the edges of his pale pink lips curve upward.

"I like you." Your son smiles and he's always been a child who out right says if he likes you or doesn't like you. Blunt like his father yet in tune to his he feels unlike Daryl.

Merle laughs, that same throaty laugh you remember from so long ago. "I like you too little guy."

Looking up from the scene happening in front of you, you look over at your husband who is looking straight back at you. You smile softly, knowing that maybe this is a new side of Merle. Maybe Daryl could get his brother back, maybe there could be a place for him in your lives again.

Maybe this was a second chance at a Dixon family.

Pre Apocalypse Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now