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You lived across from Daryl Dixon; a small run down house just like yours at the end of the street.

He was two years older than you, graduated from school and now working as many hours as he could at some car repair shop. Whereas you are still in school, well on the days that you aren't beat up too badly to draw attention.

It was four years ago when your father began his beatings, the disgusting things he did to you. And it was the day after, that Daryl noticed.

You hadn't really spoken to the Dixon boys much before then, your father was friends with their father, but the boys seemed too intimidating to socialize with.

But Daryl knew who you were, and when he saw you limp outside the next day with a red welt on your arm and a black eye... He knew that you and him weren't that different.

"Ain't any way to treat a woman," Daryl had said to you once, on one of the nights you got together. "'specially ye daughter."

He shared his scars with you, letting you know that your weren't alone. That you didn't have to be afraid when you were with him, that he knew what was going on. And that he went through it too.

It gave you comfort, knowing there was one less person you would have to lie to about the scars and the bruises.

"How do you survive it?" You ask him one night, sitting beside him on the curb of the street. The town quiet, both your old men passed out drunk. Merle doing another stint in Juvie, leaving you and Daryl alone this night.

It was one of the rare cooler summer days, in Georigia they were hard to come by. But it grew more chilled as night fell.

Daryl shrugs, "Didn't, for a long time. Some days ye jus used to it, some days ye got somethin keepin ye goin."

"What keeps you going?" You whispers, you thumb running gently over the purple bruise forming on your wrist.

"The thought of leavin this place one day. Gettin as far as I can."

The words makes you feel a stab of panic and fear; if Daryl left you knew you would never make it.

"And you."

That makes your already racing heart beat harder.

"You and me disappearing from all this."

And that sudden fear you felt fades, and is replaced with a warmth.

"You mean that?" You ask him, and Daryl turns his head to look at you.

"Woulda left by now, but I wantcha ta graduate first. Then we're gonna leave this place."

Looking into Daryl's eyes, you believe him.

"What keeps you going?" He asks.

"On the bad days," You pause and think. "thinking about the things that make me happy."

"What would those be?" Daryl asks, tossing a rock back in forth in his hands.

"The color yellow." You smile and Daryl raises his eyebrow. Confused by such a random single thing.

"It makes me feel the warm sun on my skin when he locks me in that dark and cold closet."

"It makes me taste those yellow apples my mother used to love baking with, when he starves me."

Daryl looks at you with compassion and understanding. Not pitty; something you learned he hated long ago.

"Makes me smell the sweet scent of lemon my grandmother used in my room as a child, when I have to scrub the house on my hands and knees."

"Makes me hear the morning songs the yellow goldfinches sing when he's screaming at me."

Daryl gently puts his right hand over your left, reminding you that he's right there.

"But most of all," You whisper as tears burn your eyes, and cries lodge in your throat. "it makes me think of happiness. And when I think of happiness I think of you."

"So the color yellow gets me through all the pain and all the suffering, because it makes me think of you."

"Daryl Dixon," You smile up at him, tears swimming and overflowing down your face. "you keep me going. You help me survive it."

Daryl looks at you with an unreadable look in his eyes, and it's if the rest of the world was put on mute. Nothing heard in the silence but your beating heart and the sound of Daryl's breathing.

And suddenly, that unreadable look is explained, as Daryl slowly leans forward. His right hand raises and craddles your face, his thumb wiping away the tears falling on that side.

The warmth of his skin on yours, soothing the sting of the salty tears that had trailed down.

His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and back, all the while you are afraid to even breathe. Scared this moment will disappear from you if you make any move.

But it only becomes more real as Daryl presses his lips softly against yours.

It's still at first, just the simple touch of lips. But as seconds pass, you feel yourself kissing him back.

Your movements in sync with his, soft but burning with a fire you hadn't realized until just now.

Daryl's left hands raises and now he craddles your head in both hands. Holding you steady but also still wiping away your tears.

The only kisses you've ever had were ones from your father's filthy friends; which makes you hesitant to any form of intimacy like this.

But with Daryl, it's gentle and kind. Its calm and patient, it's loving and genuine.

Pulling away, you both wait a few moments before opening your eyes and releasing the grip you have on each other.

"I'mma take ye away from here," Daryl whispers against your lips. "I promise ye I will."

Opening your eyes, his stunning blue are staring back at you.

"Jus gotta hold on a little longer."

The next morning, you awake in your small and warm bedroom. Looking out the small dusty window, the Sun is up and shinning.

Getting up and getting dressed, your father is still passed out cold when you walk past toward the front door.

Opening it up, the hot summer heat hits you. Even this early in the morning.

Walking the few steps towards the curb you and Daryl sat on last night, you spot something.

Stepping closer, you crouch down and pick up what caught your eye.

Three sunflowers, freshly picked and cut. Bundled together by a piece of yellow ribbon with suns dancing on the fabric.

A smile instantly appears on your face as you know who it's from; the only person who would know that sunflowers are your favorite flowers. And the only person who would know the reason why.

Yellow made you think of happiness... And happiness made you think of Daryl Dixon.

A/N: I absolutely love this first one!❤ I hope you all enjoy this book as much as my other one! Let me know what you think and if you have any requests, I love reading and receiving those!

Pre Apocalypse Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now