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Daryl sat beside you, in one of the pews towards the back of the church. You thought sitting in the back might calm his on edge nerves.

"You sure you want to stay?" You lean over and whisper in his ear. Service starting in a few minutes giving him time to leave if he wanted.

Daryl knows in his heart that he didn't want to come and doesn't want to be here. But as he looks over at you, dressed in your powder blue dress with white lace, your eyes sparkling in the light as they meet his. He wants to stay... For you.

"I'm sure." Daryl whispers back, and a small smile grows on your lips. Squeezing his hand that is held in your own as a silent thank you.

Sitting there in his nicest pants and cleanest long sleeved shirt that isn't plaid, Daryl feels awkward. Like he's the person in the room that doesn't belong. Uncomfortable that he sits beside such a faith strong and beautiful woman, while he's turned his back on God.

He feels as if it's labeled against his forehead that he doesn't belong.

As the service starts and everyone stands as music starts, Daryl feels eyes on him. He knows no one is looking to him, but the burning of eyes into him is a feeling he can't shake.

Looking down at you, he watches as you sing gracefully to the hymn. Your hair cascading in soft curls down your back, your hand still holding his, feeling your silver charm bracelet touch his wrist every now and then.

He knew when he met you, how deep your faith was. How it differed from his own.

Daryl recalls the day you told him you prayed for him time to time and how you would read passages of the Bible to him when all was calm.

As the music ends, everyone sits back down. Daryl sees from the corner of his eye how you look over at him, checking on him.

Daryl wonders how obvious his anxiety is as you send him a look with your eyes; one asking if he's okay.

Nodding lightly, Daryl straightens in his seat. His clothes feeling more constricting against his skin as he begins to feel warm.

The church is small, yet spacious once inside. Painted a pure white, with stained glass adding beams of light as the sun shines through.

Daryl knew the moment he met you that you were one of those girls that had the cleanest of lives and the purest of hearts. The ones who were raised well by loving parents who valued religion and all the things Daryl was never taught.

Daryl believed, and still does to this day, that he was the biggest sin you had ever commited in your life.

You never smoked; unlike him. You never drank; unlike him. You hardly ever cursed; unlike him. You were as innocent and pure as they came according to Daryl.

And then the moment he stepped into your life, he knew he was tainting it. Darkening it will all his baggage and sins, but you didn't care.

You loved this man... No amount of sin could change that for you.

Daryl could see some of your purity fade as your relationship went on, but not in any bad way. He could see it in the way your father always told you that living with a man before marriage wasn't what the bible said and that sex before marriage was even more wrong.

But living with Daryl, and losing your virginity to him without being married felt liberating. As if that shell of a person you never really were-- someone perfect in the eyes of God- was beginning to come off.

To Daryl, you still were pure and more honest than himself as a person. But you always thanked Daryl, for bringing the real you to light.

"We will now give thanks to God for all the blessings he has graced is with." The preacher says, and Daryl watches the people around him bow their heads and pray.

Daryl had very little experience with praying; it wasn't something he did growing up. But looking over at you, with your head bowed and eyes closed, he knows you did this every day as a child.

Your eyes open and you glance over at Daryl. He looks uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.

"You okay?" You whisper to him, trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible.

He turns and looks at you, shaking his head slightly. "Ain't sure how ta do this."

"How to pray?"

Watching Daryl's head nod yes, makes your heart ache. You knew he wasn't a believer like you, and you only wished that God had been a part of his childhood growing up. The impact that could've had for him.

"Is there anything you want to thank God for? That's what blessings are Daryl," You whisper, squeezing his hand tenderly. "God's gifts to us."

Daryl wants to say that God never provided him with a gift like you think, looking at his entire life. One disapointment and pain after another.

But then as he looks up at your eyes that wait for him to say something, the way they sparkle when the rays of light hit them... He can see that God has gifted him with one blessing.

One thing that has changed his life for the better and something that has made up for all the hardships through the years.

Daryl's one blessing... Is you.

A/N: I actually really like this one! ❤

Pre Apocalypse Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now